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Rights and Responsibilities of Educators


Submitted By itsdawntoyou
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Rights and Responsibilities of Educators and Students
Fairleana Taylor
August 14, 2011
Breeanna Becker

Rights and Responsibilities of Educators and Students
Axia College Material
Appendix C

Rights and Responsibilities of Educators and Students

Perform a search in the University Library databases and locate four school-related court cases (with outcomes decided), two which involve educators as defendants and two which involve students as defendants. Fill in the table below. When you give your informed opinion, state and discuss whether you agree or disagree with the outcome. Base your opinion on legal and ethical standards as discussed in Ch. 9 of the text. If you do not agree with the outcome, explain what would have been just. Base your explanation upon the rights and responsibilities of those involved. Cite your sources in APA format below the table.

Name and Date of Case | Brief Overview of Case and Outcome | Your Informed Opinion | Case 1: Educator as DefendantName of Case: Engel V. VitaleApproximate Date(s): 1962 | The New York School System began their day with a prayer. The school having a prayer every morning was challenged in court as being unconstitutional and in violation of the First Amendment under the Constitution. The Supreme Court agreed, because schools are government ran and the government cannot sponsor religious activities. | I agree with this decision because the schools cannon be promoting any religiousactivities. Some students beliefs may be different from what the school believes in. Schools are controlled by the government, and they have to be careful not to break the laws, or offend the students. | Case 2: Educator as DefendantName of Case: Tinker V. Des MoinesApproximate Date(s):1969 | Two students wore black arm bands to school for protesting against the Vietnam War. The school prohibited the arm bands, and the two siblings were removed when they did not comply. The Supreme Court ruled they were protected by the first amendment. | I agree with the court's ruling on this matter.These students were not hurting anybody, while wearing the black bands. This is their right to wear the bands as long as it is not causing problems. | Case 3: Student as DefendantName of Case: Santa Fe IndependentSchool District V. DoeApproximate Date(s):2000 | The school system did not want the students using the loud speakers at games to conduct a prayer. Other Students sued the school because it violated the first amendment. The supreme court ruled that it was a school sponsored prayer because the loud speakers belong to the school. | I do not agree with this decision, it was a Game and not at school. The games arenot just school related. Many people fromthe community come to these games. The students just wanted to ask for God's blessings on the game. A teacher did not instruct students to do this, so there shouldhave not been a problem. | Case 4: Student as DefendantName of Case: Grutter V. BollingerApproximate Date(s): 2003 | Grutter felt like her Equal protection rights were violated because Michigan Law school denied her application to gain diversity. The supreme court disagreed with her saying that institutions of higher education have a legitimate interest in promoting diversity. | I agree with the supreme court rulings. Thisis a university setting. They do not have to accept everyone like a public school system for children. On a universitylevel they need to make sure they allow diversity so they do not get in trouble with other students. |


United States Courts. (N.D.). Engel V. Vitale: School initiated-prayer in the public school system violates the First Amendment. Retrieved from
United States Courts. (N.D.). Tinker V. Des Moines: Students do not leave their rights at the schoolhouse door. Retrieved from
United States Courts. (N.D.). Santa Fe Independent School District V. Doe: Students may not use a school's loudspeaker system to offer student-led, student-initiated prayer. Retrieved from http://www/
United States Courts. (N.D.). Grutter V. Bollinger: Colleges & Universities have a legitimate interest in promoting diversity. Retrieved from

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