Premium Essay

Risk Impact Analsys


Submitted By bradtwo
Words 1550
Pages 7
Multi-Layered Security Assessment

- Security Outline.

I am presenting an outlined layout of our network and possible security concerns that may have arouse in the past years due to recent security policy updates flaws and recent bug discoveries.

I will break down it in three procedure: General, whichs refers to common practices, Contingency, this regards emergency fallover policy, Preventative Measures , this in regards to preventing future incidents.

1) General Policies

First, I am going to focus on one of the main proponents to security flaws which is failure to updated software, review old software and not practice common security policies.

Update Software. I big proponent to our flaws in our network is systems that are out of date. My proposal is to enact a month to month policy to review our network for older systems that did not receive the latest security update. It is common practice for Hackers to backward engineer updates to find flaws that haven’t yet been commonly outed to the public. By not keeping out network up to date, we open our network to potential security flaws that could lead to more than millions of dollars of loss to our systems, customer information and company integrity.

We will need to setup an update server for reliability reasons, due to certain updates that may cause issues with mission critical equipment. I suggest that we check for updates on the middle day of the month, 15th or 16th, giving us two weeks to test these updates against our current running versions of our software. If any problems arrive we should be able to resolve these issues by roll out time, which I suggest be at the end of the month.

2 ) Contingency

The secondary portion of the proposed solution relates to Contingency, what happens when our security fails. Since there is no perfect way to prevent network

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