Premium Essay

Role of Ideology(Marxism)


Submitted By malombe254
Words 1790
Pages 8

An ideology is a system of ideas or a representation of, ideas, of conceptions and of consciousness that attempts to explain simply what people say, imagine and/or conceive in their minds. It encompasses politics, morality, religion, metaphysics and law among others. In the process of simplification of the complex reality, ideologies always reflect a bias and serve the interests of a particular against another. The ideas that rule, which we may simply call, ‘ruling ideas’ are of a given group of people, the ruling class which represent the dominant material relationships.
According to Marx, the goal of an ideology is to legitimize the forces of the ruling class to remain in the dominant position (hegemony).This way it obscures the understanding of the disempowered group into not understanding whatever is going on. This obfuscation results to logical contradictions in the dominant ideology, and Marxism tries to open up by returning to the materialistic conditions of a society which is commonly known as mode of production of the society.
In the book, German Ideology, Marx and Engels lead us into understanding that it is possible address the real conditions in which humans exist outside the ideological bewilderment. Marxism tries to convince us that if the disempowered people (Bourgeoisie) come the understanding of the ideological mystification used by the ruling class (Proletariat).
The premises from which we begin are not arbitrary ones, not dogmas, but real premises from abstraction can only be made in the imagination. They are the real individuals, their activity and material conditions under which they live, both those which they find already existing and those produced by their activity. These premises can thus be verified in a purely empirical way.
Marxism ideology thus is

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