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Romans Narrative

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I was wondering around cold and scared. I saw people on my team being chased, hiding, and trying to figure out who to trust. Then, out of nowhere some guy ran toward me.
“Ah!” I screamed as I tried to escape. Hold up, let me rewind a bit.
The day started out like any normal day. I went to school, played volleyball, and then went to LOL: Live Out Loud, my church group. When game time came around the leaders told us we were going to play Romans and Christians, a game I had not played up to that point. The leaders then led us boys to the other side of the church, and told us that since it was Friday we could play on the whole side. On the walk there my friend Kyle taught me how to play.
“Okay,” he said,”There are two teams Romans and …show more content…
“Christian,” I said reluctantly.
“Okay let’s go,” He said without clarifying what side he’s on.
For some reason we followed him until he turned around and tagged us.
“Wait you lied,” I said when he tagged us.
“I never clarified which side I was on,” Coby said with a smile.
He led us to the jail which was a little area near the playground with people inside and three Romans were surrounding the outside. He shoved us in and we waited for about two minutes. Then, I saw some guy hiding behind a pole. All of the sudden, he jumped out from his hiding spot and ran to the jail. Paul and I were two of the three kids who he tagged out of jail. Paul and I ran as far away as possible from it. We stopped when we were right in front of the hexagonal church building. We watched for a bit until we saw Coby run towards us.
“Run,” I said.
Paul and I quickly ran behind the church building. I looked behind me right as I was flipping a corner to see if Coby was still trailing us. When I looked in front of me I saw a kid named Robert jumpscare and tag me.
“Ah!” I screamed when he jumpscared me.
“Paul run!” I said as he looked in horror as I was tagged.
Robert then led me back to the jail and on the way I started questioning

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A Fortune

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