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Submitted By ronaldobale11
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Biology Summative/Nuradin Ahmed

Table of Content Units | Questions | Cellular Biology | Why is grass green?Why do our muscles ache when we exercise?Why don't animals/humans have a cell wall? | Genetics | Why is it more common for a male to be colour blind than a female?Why are you unique? | Plants | Why are some fruits seedless?Why do leaves turn colour in the fall?Why is green roof important? | Anatomy of Mammals | Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze?Why do people feel sleepy after they eat?Why do we have eyelashes? | Microbiology | Why does milk sour?Why does our whole body ache when we get cold? |

Why is grass green? The reason the grass you see every day in your front yard or in the park is because the cell of the grass contains chloroplast, chloroplast is similar to mitochondria but only found in plant and protista. Chloroplast by itself won’t make the plant green, it just switches the sunlight into energy, to make the plant greener you need a pigment called chlorophyll, chlorophyll is a pigment that provides the absorption of light to provide energy to make it into photosynthesis and that causes a chemical change to the plant.

Why do our muscles ache when we exercise? The reason muscles ache after exercising is because you just stretched out your muscles fibers and your muscles are about to enter the repairing stage and this is caused by the lactic acid. The aching that you get in your muscles is not really harmful but it indicates that your exercise was successful. Aching may last for one to two days, and if your trying to get rid of it as soon as possible is to drink a lot of water after your exercise and eat healthier. There is a lot of food that will reduce the lactic acid such as vegetables because it contains magnesium that will deliver energy to muscles while exercising, the other food is fish because it contains fatty acids that because it will break down glucose and that will help you keep you longer in a tough workout, and other food with vitamin B.

Why don't animals/humans have a cell wall? The reason animals/humans lack of cell wall is because the animal cell needs proteins and other organelle to travel out of our cells, the other reason that animals don’t need cell wall is because that animals have bones is to support our bodies unlike plant cell they need cell wall because they lack out of bones and the only thing that will make the plant stand up and be stronger is the cell wall, the other reason that we don’t have cell wall is because if we had them we wouldn’t be able to move and this is one of the reasons plants don’t move. The other thing that replaces cell wall in animal cells are endoskeletons and exoskeletons.
Why is it more common for a male to be colour blind than a female? People with colour blindness struggle with seeing red, green, yellow and orange the reason so is that they lack of colour cells in their eyes, colour blindness is more common to males than females and it’s only found in the X chromosomes so it’s hard for females to get it because they have two XX chromosomes, in the other hand males have a better chance to have colour blindness because they only have one X chromosome. If a mother has one X chromosome with colour blindness and has a child her son will have 50% chance of being colour blind or if his lucky the other 50% will be the other X chromosome that doesn’t have colour blindness.

Why are you unique? The reason people are unique is that everyone has different feature and looks, the way they speak walk run play sports, that’s way some people are good in something while other aren’t, culture, everything around us make us who we are and what we want to become.

Why are some fruits seedless? Some fruits are seedless because of parthenocarpy, parthenocarpy is the development of fruit without fertilization, that means that the seedless fruits form without fertilization. Plants with separate male and female individuals, such as persimmon, may form seedless fruit if the female plant is not near a male plant and cannot be pollinated. The other reason some fruits are seedless is because that the tissue of the fruit are the parent tissue and can act independently from the seed. Some fruits are seedless for some different reasons such as pineapples because pineapples grow in field of one verity and they are self infertile.
Why do leaves turn colour in the fall? The reason leaves change colour in fall is that the chlorophyll breaks down, chlorophyll breaks down in the fall because of length of day-light and changes in temperature which leads the change of the leaf from green to brownish colour. Other chemical changes may occur in the leaf which gives the leaf a red pigments or purplish colour in the leaf such as the colour of maple leaf in the fall. Temperature, light and water have a big impact of the leaf colour and this why it changes colours every time the weather changes.
Why is green roof important?

The reason green roof is important is because Green roofs perform important environmental functions and they maintain the waterproofing functions of a non-green roof. Some benefits are ‘public’ helping everyone in the vicinity equally, and other apply to the building and it occupants and it gives you air quality so they can take carbon dioxide out of air and produce oxygen in the air it also reduces heavy metals, airborne and organic compounds. Green roofs also supports biodiversity and wild life, it also helps with green space and urban heat island.

Why do people feel sleepy after they eat? After you eat, the pancreas produces insulin which converts these sugars circulating in the bloodstream into the stored forms within cells. Once in the brain, it leads to increased production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that passes electrical signals between connecting neurons. Around 90 per cent of the body’s serotonin is found in the abdomen, where it regulates intestinal movements. The remaining ten per cent is located in the brain. Serotonin has several functions, including control of mood and slumber; it has also been linked to depression and feelings of intimacy. Increased levels of serotonin simulated following a sugary meal can thus lead to you feeling sleepy. But other factors may contribute to drowsiness after a meal. Particularly large meals take time to digest, meaning blood may be diverted away from other body areas to help with this. Further, if you are dehydrated during or after eating, this may exacerbate your lethargy.

Why do we close our eyes when we sneeze? The reason your eyes will close while you sneeze is not because your eyes will pop out because there is people who sneeze while their eyes are open, however the only time someone’s eyes popped out is a women in 1988, the real reason is because when you sneeze your brain send a muscle message, one of these messages is to close our eyes when we sneeze, it’s similar to when a doctor tapes your knee with a small hammer and your knee starts shaking by itself. Other doctors have said that we shut our eyes to protect our eyes from whatever we sneezed.

Why do we have eyelashes? Eyelashes are really important to our for many reason, For example, eyelashes help to protect your eyes. There are many particles in the air, like dust and sand, which can get into your eyes and harm them. Eyelashes help to sweep these particles out of the way. The long eyelashes of camels work in similar ways. Eyelashes also help to keep moisture, like sweat or rain, out of your eyes. Their curved shape and the way they are positioned allow them to direct moisture away from your eyes. Along with your eyebrows and forehead, your eyelashes also help to shield your eyes from the bright light of the sun. They’re not a substitute for sunglasses, but they do help to filter the sunlight that shines in your eyes.
Why does our nose run when we get sick?
The reason your nose runs when you get sick is because y your nose goes into mucus-making overdrive to keep the germ invaders out of your lungs and the rest of your body, where they might make you even sicker than you already are. You know what happens then: The mucus runs down your throat, out your nose, or into a tissue when you blow your nose. Or it can fill your sinuses, which is why you get that stuffy feeling.

Why does our whole body ache when we get cold? Because our body’s immune system is producing plenty of anti bodies these anti-bodies also produce histamines which typically dilates (widens) blood vessel near an infection, this allows for more of the body's defenses to get at the infection. There are histamine receptors in blood vessels that cause them to dilate. As these chemicals are released into your blood stream they can end up in your muscles or other body parts. Various body systems can have receptors to histamine that can then trigger a pain receptor.

Why do we have hair in our nose? The reason we have hair in our nose is because our nose is an easy accuses to bacteria and viruses, it’s a filter in your nose that protects the nasal cavity, hair in the nose is one of the bodies first lines of defense. Another purpose for nose hair is to provide additional humidity to the inhaled air. As the air passes through the nasal passages, the mucus and hair provide heat and moisture.


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