Premium Essay

Rough Draft 1


Submitted By Robsontilt77
Words 563
Pages 3
Career choices pros and cons

Last year I decided to go back to school to change my career. For the last nine years I have been in management running restaurants, one of which being my own. I can honestly say I will never want to work in a restaurant ever ever again. I chose HVAC as the profession that I thought would benefit my family the best; especially since it is either roasting or freezing in Fresno. Working with my hands has always interested me and I've found that I am a mechanical person when it comes to figuring things out. There are a few different paths I can take with HVAC, some of them paying more then others. That really is the goal to make as much money as possible so my family is comfortable.

One direction is to get my contractors license and be a independent contractor; the other is to work for a company and start out at the bottom. There will be pros and cons to both but I'm leaning towards one more than the other. As a contractor I would be in charge of my own schedule but I would have to schedule my own work and could not depend on it just coming to me. As an employee I could work full time and not have to hunt down work, though I would be locked into a schedule without the ability to change it. If I work for myself the profit margin can be much higher, though I would have to be responsible for a lot more with edd, taxes, state board, etc.. When working for a company the only thing I would be responsible for would be the quality and efficiency of my work. I would not have to worry about the state board, insurance, and quarterly tax prepayments.

I feel as though I have an advantage to becoming a licensed contractor because it is what I did for a living before moving to Fresno. Working in the field and doing something different each day really helps a person stay interested in there line of work, or at least for me. You get an immediate

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