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Route 66 Research Paper

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After the war, Americans were now more mobile than ever. With the military funding and government funding to Route 66, people who wanted to leave the harsh winters of Chicago and Boston, they decided to move West. Route 66 facilitated their relocation. Between 1941 and 1945 the government invest approximately $70 billion in capital projects throughout California to promote areas like Los Angeles and San Diego. This lead to serve and create new industries and thousands of civilian jobs that was able made possible by Route 66 and the mobilization of people. With war out of the way and after years of depression and having no money, people were ready to take a break from everything that happened and set out into their cars to travel. Now with the large incoming traffic on Route 66, store owners, motel managers, and gas stations recognized that route 66 …show more content…
Route 66 inspired many different things. One of them being the inspiration behind roadside culture. Thinks like diners, motor courts, and tourist traps are all things that grew from Route 66. This inspired businesses to open to try and take advantage of all the tourist that will be going through the town. Places like the Ariston Cafe, in Litchfield, Illinois, Cruiser Cafe 66 in Williams, Arizona, and Snow Cap Drive-In in Seligman, Illinois, are all restaurants that as inspired by Route 66. Using Route 66 like themes for the menu and venue, they are all part of the Route 66 aspiration to help small cities grow by bring business all from all around the country. One popular drive-through that originated from Route 66 is McDonalds. Its original site was in San Bernardino on Route 66 before it moved and grew later on in the years. Drive-throughs are a key role in a lot of businesses today, especially fast food. Being on the go and on the road, being more easily accessible to food quickly was

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