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ENG-105 Rubric: Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document Assignment

|Criteria |% Value |1: Unsatisfactory |2: Less Than Satisfactory |3: Satisfactory |4: Good |5: Excellent |
|% Scaling | |0% |65% |75% |85% |100% |
|Content and Ideas – 60% |
|Introduce and summarize the |20% |The introduction of the website is|The introduction of the website|The introduction of the website is |The introduction of the |The introduction to the website|
|website | |not present AND the summarization |is not present OR the |present. The summarization of the |website is present. The |is present and elaborate. The |
| | |of the website is missing. |summarization of the website is|website is present. |summarization of the website |summarization of the website is|
| | | |incomplete. | |is comprehensive. |a thorough presentation of |
| | | | | | |important details, facts, and |
| | | | | | |concepts. |
|Analyze the rhetorical tools |20% |The analysis of the website |The analysis of the website |The analysis of the website provides|The analysis of the website |The analysis of the website |
|used on the site | |provides no understanding of |provides a superficial |an appropriate understanding of |provides a thorough, extensive|provides a thorough, extensive |
| | |rhetorical tools. |understanding of rhetorical |rhetorical tools. |understanding of rhetorical |understanding of rhetorical |
| | | |tools. | |tools. |tools and provides references |
| | | | | | |to support the premise(s) made.|
|Evaluation of the |20% |The evaluation of the |The evaluation of the |The evaluation of the effectiveness |The evaluation of the |The evaluation of the |
|effectiveness of the site | |effectiveness of the site is |effectiveness of the site is |of the site is present. |effectiveness of the site is |effectiveness of the site is a |
| | |absent. |evident but inconsistent. | |comprehensive. |thorough presentation of |
| | | | | | |important details, facts, and |
| | | | | | |concepts. |
|Organization – 10% |
|Organization |10% |No apparent organization is |No apparent organization is |Organization is unclear. |Organization aids readers in |Essay is logically organized to|
| | |present. Ineffective introduction |present. Introduction explains |Introduction explains subject, but |understanding content. |lead readers to understanding |
| | |does not invite readers or explain|subject, but does not engage |does not adequately engage readers. |Introduction explains subject,|content. Introduction explains |
| | |the subject. The reader cannot |readers. Thesis is difficult to|Thesis may be misplaced. Paragraphs |but may not engage readers. |subject and engages readers. |
| | |find the thesis statement. |find. Underdeveloped paragraphs|are not developed around topic |Thesis statement is placed |Thesis statement is placed |
| | |Underdeveloped paragraphs lack |lack focus and topic sentences.|sentences, and may not always |appropriately, according to |appropriately for a rhetorical |
| | |focus and topic sentences. No |Weak conclusion is offered. |advance essay's ideas. Conclusion |the genre of a rhetorical |analysis. Well-ordered |
| | |conclusion is present. | |summarizes but does not conclude. |analysis. Well-ordered |paragraphs are developed around|
| | | | | |paragraphs are developed |topic sentences, and advance |
| | | | | |around topic sentences, and |essay’s ideas. Conclusion |
| | | | | |advance essay’s ideas. |provides strong, satisfying |
| | | | | |Conclusion may be more of a |ending, not a mere summary of |
| | | | | |summary. |the essay. |
|Format – 10% |
|Paper Format |10% |Layout: Essay lacks more than |Layout: Essay lacks THREE of |Layout: Essay lacks TWO of the |Essay lacks ONE of the |Layout: Essay is double-spaced |
| | |THREE of the following: |the following: double-spaced, |following: double-spaced, 12 pt. |following: double-spaced, 12 |with 12 pt. Times New Roman |
| | |double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New |12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1"|Times New Roman font, 1" margins, |pt. Times New Roman font, 1" |font, 1" margins, heading (with|
| | |Roman font, 1" margins, heading |margins, heading (with name, |heading (with name, course, date, |margins, heading (with name, |name, course, date, and |
| | |(with name, course, date, and |course, date, and instructor), |and instructor), assignment title, |course, date, and instructor),|instructor), assignment title, |
| | |instructor), assignment title, and|assignment title, and page |and page numbers using appropriate |assignment title, and page |and page numbers using |
| | |page numbers using appropriate |numbers using appropriate |header function. Not all |numbers using appropriate |appropriate header function. |
| | |header function. Not all |header function. Not all |information, paraphrases, |header function. All |All information, paraphrases, |
| | |information, paraphrases, |information, paraphrases, |quotations, and borrowed ideas are |information, paraphrases, |quotations, and borrowed ideas |
| | |quotations, and borrowed ideas are|quotations, and borrowed ideas |cited on the page they appear; |quotations, and borrowed ideas|are cited in parenthetical GCU |
| | |cited on the page they appear; |are cited on the page they |missing one in-text citation and/or |are cited on the page that |format; all sources are listed |
| | |little or no in-text citations |appear; missing more than one |reference entry; minor documentation|they appear and are listed on |on the references page (GCU |
| | |and/or entries on reference page |citation and/or reference |oversights noted; minor formatting |the references page (GCU |format); all citations and |
| | |used; major documentation |entry; significant |errors or omissions noted; |format); some minor errors or |reference entries are complete |
| | |oversights noted; major format |documentation oversights noted;|appropriate number of required |omissions in format noted; |and in alphabetical order; |
| | |errors and omissions noted; |significant format errors or |sources are used. |appropriate number of required|appropriate number of required |
| | |inappropriate number of required |omissions noted; inappropriate | |sources is used. |sources is used. |
| | |sources used. |number of required sources | | | |
| | | |used. | | | |
| Language Use and Style – 10% |
|Language Use and Style |10% |Voice and tone are inappropriate |Voice and tone are |Voice & tone usually do not |Voice & tone usually |Voice & tone characterize ideas|
| | |and ineffective in creating |inappropriate and ineffective |characterize ideas appropriately or |characterize ideas effectively|and effectively create |
| | |appropriate mood. Inappropriate |in creating appropriate mood. |effectively create appropriate mood.|create appropriate mood. Word |appropriate mood. Word choice |
| | |word choice used. Sentence |Word choice fails in use of |Word choice includes nonstandard |choice usually includes |includes current standard |
| | |structure includes ungrammatical |appropriate, precise language |outdated usage, too many "to be" |current standard usage, active|usage, active verbs, concrete |
| | |structures and no variety. Writing|and strong verbs. Includes too |verbs, is not precise, and is |verbs, concrete nouns, and |nouns, and precise words. |
| | |is wordy. |many “to be” verbs. No attempt |occasionally incorrect. Some slang |precise words. Some slang or |Sentence structures strengthen |
| | | |to vary sentence structure |or jargon exists in the paper. |jargon exists in the paper. |the ideas, create vitality, and|
| | | |noted. Writing is wordy. |Inadequate variety in sentence |Some variety of sentence |avoid choppiness in the |
| | | | |structure noted. Writing is wordy. |structures strengthens the |writing. Writing is concise. |
| | | | | |ideas, creates vitality, and | |
| | | | | |avoids choppiness in the | |
| | | | | |writing. Writing is mostly | |
| | | | | |concisely written. | |
|Grammar and Mechanics – 10% |
|Grammar and Mechanics |10% |Demonstrates no control of |Demonstrates minimal control of|Demonstrates reasonable control of |Demonstrates high control of |Demonstrates outstanding |
| | |grammar, spelling, & punctuation |grammar, spelling, & |grammar, spelling, & punctuation |grammar, spelling, & |control of grammar, spelling, &|
| | |conventions. |punctuation conventions. |conventions. |punctuation conventions. Few |punctuation conventions. |
| | |Many errors, such as: |Several errors, such as: |Some errors, such as: |errors, such as: |No errors, such as: |
| | |Apostrophe use |Apostrophe use |Apostrophe use |Apostrophe use |Apostrophe use |
| | |Capitalization |Capitalization |Capitalization |Capitalization |Capitalization |
| | |Commas misplaced or missing |Commas misplaced or missing |Commas misplaced or missing |Commas misplaced or missing |Commas misplaced or missing |
| | |Parallelism |Parallelism |Parallelism |Parallelism |Parallelism |
| | |Faulty point of view shifts |Faulty point of view shifts |Faulty point of view shifts |Faulty point of view shifts |Faulty point of view shifts |
| | |Pronoun agreement |Pronoun agreement |Pronoun agreement |Pronoun agreement |Pronoun agreement |
| | |Quotation errors |Quotation errors |Quotation errors |Quotation errors |Quotation errors |
| | |Semicolons misused |Semicolons misused |Semicolons misused |Semicolons misused |Semicolons misused |
| | |Run-ons & fragments |Run-ons & fragments |Run-ons & fragments |Run-ons & fragments |Run-ons & fragments |
| | |Spelling errors |Spelling errors |Spelling errors |Spelling errors |Spelling errors |
| | |Subject-verb agreement |Subject-verb agreement |Subject-verb agreement |Subject-verb agreement |Subject-verb agreement |
| | |Tense shifts |Tense shifts |Tense shifts |Tense shifts |Tense shifts |

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