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Sacrificial Love


Submitted By dgcannaday
Words 727
Pages 3
Sacrifice: The Price to Pay
ENGL 102: Literature and Composition
Summer D 2013
Deena Cannaday ID # 20308095
APA Style

Sacrifice: The Price to Pay
Deena Cannaday
Liberty University Online

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rocking Horse Winner,” are two fictional stories that are quite different in detail but have similar endings. The author gives us a glimpse into the lives of two mothers both different yet both facing similar challenges in life.
Both Hester of “The Rocking Horse Winner,” and Tessie of “The Lottery,” had husbands and children each who treated and viewed their families differently.
In “The Lottery,” Hester is portrayed as warm, caring and loving towards her children and husband while in “The Rocking Horse Winner,” Tessie is portrayed as cold, hard hearted and unloving towards her children and husband. Hester is concern about her family while Tessie on the other hand is only concern about herself.
Tessie handles life challenges through love and sacrifice while Hester handles life challenges through greed and selfishness. Even though both stories are different, there are many similarities between the two stories encompassing love, sacrifice, and fear. In D.H. Lawrence’s “The Rocking Horse Winner,” the author tells the tale about a family who is obsessed with wealth and prosperity, mainly the mother Hester. Hester is portrayed as a very greedy and selfish person who is consumed by money and wealth. In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”, the author tells the tale about a small town of people who follows the tradition of a yearly drawing called the “Lottery.” In this short story Tessie is a woman who is portrayed as a warm, caring and loving person who becomes the sacrificial object of this story. Through these two stories, it is evident that sacrifice is a great price to pay.
In “The Lottery,” Tessie

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