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Safe Sex


Submitted By da1234kid
Words 1494
Pages 6
Today we live in an extremely modern and accepting society. However, a few decades back things were very different. Subjects that were once thought to be “taboo” are now more accepted. For example, issues such as gay marriage, the evolution of the “family” and bi-racial adoption are all extremely controversial issues discussed in public schools today. As you can imagine sex isn’t the most comfortable subject to speak about especially amongst children and their parents. The fact remains that it is of paramount importance for your child to learn all possible advantages and disadvantage of sex. Communication plays an important role in the development of intimate sexuality. (Troth p195-218) Today, as young people embark on their first sexual relationships in a threatening climate of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including the potentially fatal HIV/AIDS virus, the value of practicing communication and negotiation to facilitate the uptake of safe sex has far-reaching implications for health and well-being. However, communication between parents and are a bit uncomfortable with topics like condoms, STDs, and past sexual partners is a difficult task for many young people whose health may be placed in jeopardy by their inability to discuss safe sex.
Public schools are now making sex education apart of their curriculum.
However, the controversy arises as to whether sex education should be based on abstinence or a “safe sex” model. Critics of the “safe sex” program claim that teaching safe sex is another way of giving consent to engage in intercourse. Isn’t the bigger issue ensuring that students are prepared for any type of situation they find themselves in? What good is abstinence based course if they are already engaged in sexual activities? It is a proven fact that an abstinence based course doesn’t yield results. Therefore all public schools should teach

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