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Submitted By AnkyKop
Words 3600
Pages 15
IBS, Hyderabad Re - Revised from 9th June(Monday) Semester I Class of 2016 Time - Table Sessions Commence from 3rd June, to 26th September End - Semester Examinations from 27th - 5th Oct, 2014
Time Monday ME-(A) - ARU ME-(B) - CSS ME- C - AKD ME-(E) - PADV ME-(F) - LM ME = G -TT ME = H - IRS ME - P - SUBH BC - N - MHK BC - L - VSN ISM - I - NJ BC - D - CHE Time Monday FM - I - DSC FM - J - CANI FM - K - GAR FM - L - NMR FM - M - YGK FM - N - RKJ FM - O - AJM FM - P - RAN FM - Q - STK BC - C - GG ISM - A - STM ISM - B - SSG Time Monday OB - A - SKN OB - B - RTG X OB - D - BHJ OB - E - SHW OB - F - SRB MM-I - G - SRR OB - H - PRN BC - P - PDM BC - O - GG X Tuesday AFM - I - KW AFM - J - RJL AFM - K - AMG AFM - L - RJP AFM - M - VN AFM - N - LNP AFM -O - ATJ AFM -P - PRA AFM - Q - SVL BC - H - AGK BC - A - PDM BC - B - VSN Tuesday QM - A - LS MM-I - M - MKM QM - C - VSG QM - D - VM QM - E - NA QM - F - JYG QM - G - SKW QM - H - SRG OB - K - RTG OB - Q - SHW ISM - I - NJ ISM - J -Raja Tuesday MM-I - I - KSV MM-I - J - AS MM-I - K - DIP MM-I - L - HYM MM-I - N - DBJ MM-I - P - KCP MM-I - Q - ADM X QM - B - SRG ISM - F - CLD Tuesday AFM - A - LNP AFM - B - BRJ AFM - C - KW AFM - D - RJL AFM - E - PRA AFM - G - RJP AFM - H - NG X ISM - M -AJ ISM - N - Raja Tuesday QM - I - LS QM - J - VM QM - K - SRG QM - L - ANS QM - M - NA QM - N - JYG ISM - G - CLD AFM - F - AMG ME - D -SUBH ISM - E - KVR ISM - O - AJ ISM - P - KB Wednesday MM-I - I - KSV ME-(A) - ARU ME-(B) - CSS ME- C - AKD ME-(E) - PADV ME-(F) - LM ME = G -TT ME = H - IRS QM - O - LS QM - P - PVJ QM - Q - NA BC - D - CHE Wednesday FM - I - DSC FM - J - CANI FM - K - GAR FM - L - NMR FM - M - YGK FM - N - RKJ FM - O - AJM FM - P - RAN FM - Q - STK BC - C - GG ISM - A - STM ISM - B - SSG Wednesday MM-I - A - HYM MM-I - B - AS MM-I - C - ABY MM-I - D - MMK MM-I - E - VIJ MM-I - F - SSB MM-I - G - SRR MM-I - H - SKK BC -

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