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Senior Project Reflection

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Senior Project is designed to have you reach out beyond the classroom to explore your own area of study, and to combine skills you have learned at Mineola High School in a significant demonstration of your skills. But beyond the hours you will spend on your project, there is a larger lesson here. At the heart of your Senior Project experience lays the answer to the question What really matters to me? You may not even hear your answer until later sometimes our passions sneak up on us and don't fully show their faces until we are old enough and strong enough to contain them. Some students discover that they care deeply about social justice or global issues. Others find talents for arts such as photography or teaching. Some learn the important lesson of what they don't want to do with their lives. Whatever the discovery, students walk away from the Senior Project with a clearer sense of who they are and who they are becoming. Good or bad, the experience teaches us valuable information. A senior project can help you find what you would like to do in college and what you would like to do in life. Researching and talking to people that are in the field that you were interested in can show you a glimpse of what it would be like to work in that field that you are doing the research in.
A senior …show more content…
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