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Seniors on the Rise


Submitted By walterkylejr
Words 1099
Pages 5
Seniors on the Rise
Their or three psychological shifts that need to be made when comfortably settling into aging gracefully. The first shift that needs to be made is shifting from work to a self-differentiation. Self-differentiation involves older people having the ability to separate themselves from their peers to have them be better psychologically and emotionally more adjusted. Being emotionally and psychologically well rounded tends to create higher self-esteem and eliminates self-doubt and negative stereotypes that are associated with old age. Some of the common stereotypes about being old relate to the decline in physical, cognitive, and social functioning. Those concerns are not that much of a concern with older adults that continue to remain active and positively engaged.
A second adjustment involves shifting from body preoccupation to body transcendence. In this stage elderly people move from a state of questioning their aging features and self-doubt to acceptance. In this stage the individual makes the focus about self while still interacting and engaging family and having strong social networks. They are still able to enjoy their lives despite their declining health and physical appearance.
The third adjustment involves shifting from self-preoccupation to self-transcendence. At this stage the elder adult realize that death is something that must be addressed. While some elderly people choose to have their families deal with the role of death and dying their or alternative option such as living wills which offer the person a chance to set parameter as to what conditions they would like to stay alive under taking the worry and doubt away from the family of having to make the tough decisions under. The elder adult see’s death as inevitable and instead of having pity for themselves they shift into roles that may make their own lives more fulfilling.

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