Premium Essay

Seven Floors Social Pscychology


Submitted By harril14
Words 936
Pages 4
Lynise Harris
February 19,2015
Soc. Psyc

Seven Floors

The story Seven Floors by Dino Buzzati, Focused on a lawyer named Giovanni Corte stay at a well known nursing home for what was described as a slight sickness. Mr. Corte arrived at the hospital for treatment for early stages of is unknown sickness with hopes of getting better. His first impression of the place seemed to be to his liking, Givoni was pleased with the appearance of the nice rooms, attractive nurses and even interested in the knowledgeable doctors. Shortly after arriving at the sanatorium he found out the placing of the patients depended on their health state. This new information caused him to become obsessed with his placement and eventually began to effect his health. The concept that become clear while reading was that negative thinking will produce a negative effect. A concept can be used to help understand the main purpose of something or to help explain it. An example of a concept in the story that stood out was the hindsight bias. The hindsight bias is the tendency to exaggerate after learning an outcome. On page 4 in the beginning of the third paragraph, Givoni was asked to move to a different room due to a mother needing to be near her children and he graciously agreed. After agreeing the head nurse stated, “ such courageous act doesn’t surprise me coming from a person like yourself.” The nurse acted as though he expected Givoni to say yes but only knew this after the fact. The way the nurse was able to get Giovani to agree to move was by using the low ball technique. The low ball technique is a tactic used to get someone to agree to something with chances of agreeing to something larger. It wasn’t until after Giovanni agree when he threw in that the room he would have to move to was on a lower floor. Giovani was displeased but still agreed .
Another concept that can be

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