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Seventeen Eighty Seven: The Structure Of The United States Government

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Historically by way of the Constitution, the basis or purpose for structure of the United
States Government was to allow maintenance of security or order for society. By this act alone the government is able to protect its people from violence at the hands of foreign armies and criminals. It is the authority of every government to enforce rules and control by means of their, armed forces and the police. Without this authority the United States would not be able to keep peace so to speak. In Seventeen Eighty Seven, our founding fathers( the farmers of the land) called for the forming of a Constitutional Convention for the sole purpose of building a stronger national government. There were fifty five delegates selected to carry out this enormous …show more content…
Upon the final works of the constitution, only thirty- nine delegates approved the constitution and forty-two who remained. Others disapproved but signed anyway to put the finishing touches on the document and then the ratification process began.

Structure and Background of Executive
The United State Government Structure is divided into three branches. They are the
Legislative, Executive, and the judicial branches. The Head of the government is the Executive
Branch, which includes the President of the United States, The Cabinet and the Vice President.
As the President, also known as Commander and Chief, and Head of State. " The President is responsible for applying and enforcing the laws written by congress and , appoint the heads of the cabinet. The Vice Presidents’ role is to, take the role of the president when he is unable to do so. The Cabinet, are advisors for the president and since the beginning of time, the Executive branch, was not equal to or more powerful than the Legislative Branch. Actually it was the other way around. "Congress Had more power over the Executive Branch in the eighteen hundreds …show more content…
Their roles are to make laws for the
Executive branch to enforce. They can declare war, approve or deny the president’s subjects and also determines the Judicial Branch. There is known to be at least six Supreme Court Justices, which are selected by congress and, as of the eighteen sixties there are nine of them in place.
The Founding Fathers.

The founding Fathers of the Constitution are, George Washington, James Madison,
Thomas Jefferson ,John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton just to name a few.
Before the Founding Fathers were assigned the task of constructing the constitution. There were not many laws, or any rights for certain citizens, especially African Americans. The Founding
Fathers, came up with laws and a set of rules to follow, but, What they did not do, was to make it mandatory for all states to follow them. The Fathers set up a proper foundation for the government to follow after them. The reason behind this was to make a stronger government and a more youthful United States.
Checks and Balances.
Thought of as confrontation of Power or responsibilities, each branch checks the actions of the other and they all have to answer to one of the three branches of government. If two of

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