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Severe ADHD In The Classroom

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Dim, flickering room lights, on at odd hours. The sound of powerful taps on a screen. Bleary eyes scanning the screen, rapid fusion of disparate information, brain whirring in a consistent, cyclic process. These actions form the substance of research; the substance of my identity. I was diagnosed with hyperactive and inattentive ADHD as a child, resulting in unfocused daydreaming, mental and physical restlessness, isolation in test rooms and being singled out in classrooms. Severe ADHD was an enormous burden for a child to experience and dare to succeed with, especially when nobody other than my parents, and my cousin Ha, truly understood me. While other children constructed life in coloring books and playgrounds, I used paper, markers, and my imagination to shape North Atlantic Coasts. Spending hours searching up everything from the strength of Typhoon Tip to the event horizon of black holes – books and research became the only devices that could quell the uncontrollable energy inside. …show more content…
Publications, such as “The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty,” combined with other fan-created variants of old favorites like “Harry Potter” became a solace, a reason to push forward in an environment, where others did not understand the liberation of words within the tempest of puberty and ADHD. Steadily, hyperfocusing was harnessed, reading became speed-reading and researching transformed, a drop in the bucket towards a vast sea of potential, backed by a profound thirst for

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