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Sexual Behavior


Submitted By eortega1107
Words 350
Pages 2
Sexual behavior is a huge part of a human’s life. Sex is not only physical; it can affect our bodies in many more ways. As a society we have become cynical. Everything revolves around sex. Sex clouds a person’s judgment. When a woman has sex with a man, she becomes more attached, whereas a man can become more distant. When watching a man and woman you will see a reversal of roles. Women will a first feel as if she’s in control and easily play “hard to get” while a man chases her around like a puppy dog. With the man, he is persistent and consistent until he gets what he wants and then things begin to change. The feeling of rejection can affect a girl physiologically a lot more. She will feel not wanted and used. Hence the expression “all is fair in love and war.” Often we hear pairings of words like “fatal attraction” “crazy in love’ this just proves that being in love can impair a person’s ability to think logically. In today’s world the media is all about sex. They target selling products to boys/ girls sending them the wrong message that they need to be sexy. Girls are starting to become older sooner. In high school it’s considered “locker room talk”, for example; who’s lost their virginity? Who had sex with who last weekend?
If our peers are having sex then most likely we are too. Religion plays a huge role in sex. The church says to wait, so even though people aren’t sex I is still the main thing on their mind because marriage and sex are the ultimate prize. If being raised in a very religious home and you break promises to make to god, you feel guilty and remorseful of yourself. No matter what kind of person you are, sex is constantly on your mind and always considered the goal. Many people around the world believe that reproducing is the ultimate goal in life. Finding a suitable partner and having kids is more important to them then attaining a

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