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Submitted By lenamae07
Words 415
Pages 2
The topic I chose to write about is something that I myself suffer with, and highly dislike. My topic is Sidonglobophobia which means the fear of cotton balls, an alternative name for it would be called Bambakophobia. Alot of people might think it's crazy & laugh at someone who has this phobia but it is a real thing to deal with to someone who suffers with it.

Somethings I already knew about this phobis was people were often freaked out by the feel of cotton balls. Some often cannot bear to touch cotton balls. It is not only the texture that gives them this uneasy, unusual anxious feeling, it is also the sound that cotton balls make when they are rubbed together or pulled apart.

As for me I can't stand to touch or think about cotton balls. I would cringe and have chills at just the thought of them. Just a few days ago in an elevator with Tammy, she was talking about cotton balls, and I had tears coming from my eyes. There comes times when I want to get my nails done, and when I finally get to go they would have to saturate the entire cotton ball, in order for it to be used on me.

I learned that some people suffer so bad that they cannot open their own mail, medicine bottles or even use Q-tips, even refuse to wear certain types of cotton clothes. Some think this fear mostly develops during childhood or some traumatic experience had to have happened. But that's not always the case, as in my situation I didn't have a traumatic situation or horrible encounter, it's something that just happened to me & has stuck with me every since I can remember.

Hypnotism is the known treatment for the fear of cotton balls. Gradual exposure or desentitization therapy is also proven to help treat some individuals. But as they say, what works on some might not work on you. Everyone is different & suffers differently.

I've been asked how will be a nurse if you can't deal with cotton balls, I said cotton balls won't define me as begin a nurse & I will wear gloves if i have to touch them. I have always wondered why I am like this, I used to think I was the only one who had this fear. People might make fun of me or laugh at my situation, but it's something some people never thought, someone would be afraid of.

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