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Similarities Between Harrison Bergeron And Fahrenheit 451

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Words 132
Pages 1
In Harrison Bergeron and Fahrenheit 451, they both have one important law where everyone has to follow it or there will be severe consequences.If the law is disobeyed the punishment is either death or jail time. In Fahrenheit 451, it is against the law to read books. The consequence is jail time. In Harrison Bergeron, it is against the law to take the handicap cap off. If someone takes their handicap off, they get killed. In Fahrenheit 451, it states that everyone follows the rule, everyone is the same. In Harrison Bergeron, it states that everyone follows the law that is to keep the handicap on. On the other side, since everyone has to follow the law that protects society, it makes everyone’s emotions the same. The emotion depressed, sad

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