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Slavery Reparations Thesis

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Throughout all of the various issues being explored and debated in today’s society, one that has become very prevalent in the past few years is the matter of slavery reparations in America. Advocates of this cause have begun to raise awareness in an effort to make reparations to African Americans affected by the crime of slavery in the United States. This is an extremely controversial subject, especially since there are so many different considerations and opinions surrounding the issue. Anthony Gifford’s article, “The Legal Basis of the Claim for Slavery Reparations”, Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “The Case for Reparations”, and chapter nine of Michael Sandel’s book, Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do? all dig deeper into this issue and take a look at the idea of slavery reparations from various different angles. One of the big questions to reflect on while considering the possibility of slavery reparations in America is: What can be done in order to begin resolving the issue of slavery reparations? The …show more content…
However, with this small window of knowledge about the topic, I always tended to wonder how if it would be fair to suddenly take money from those whose ancestors contributed to slavery. By no means was slavery humane, yet I always went back and forth on whether punishing those who were not first hand culprits of slavery was the right answer. After reading Coates’, Gifford’s, and Sandel’s works on the issue, I am now able to reconsider my opinion from various angles. Until now, I was unaware of some of the grueling facts of slavery and the consequences and results of the system. Becoming educated about the topic before we form an opinion is crucial, and even then we still need to remember that we do not know all of the facts. In the meantime, we can study the issue further by reading informative and reliable sources similar to those I have

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