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Slippery Climb Up: to Recovery


Submitted By jm11
Words 1356
Pages 6
DeVry University Principle of Economics ECON-312N
Inflation, GDP, and Unemployment…………………………………………………4

February 14, 2014

Slippery Climb Up: To Recovery Introduction
In the past five years the climb to get out of the effects of the Great Recession of 2008 has been very slippery. The current macroeconomic situation in the United States has been a very slow recovery and the public’s behavior is demonstrating much concerned. The concerns are unemployment, the value of their homes, and stagnant wages. Economic forecasters” believe that 2014 will be the “break out year” for the U.S. economy” (Hernandez, 2014). This paper will discuss the concept of inflation and unemployment and the GDP have on the economy; also what fiscal policies and monetary policies would be appropriate at this time for our economy. Unemployment
The U.S. unemployment rate hit a new five year low of 6.6 percent in January 2014. Since October the jobless rate has decreased by 0.6 percentage point. The unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labor force ("Economic News Release," 2/7/2014). There is a significant decrease since July of 2013 when the unemployment rate was as high as 7.4 percent.
The number of long –term unemployed, those who are jobless for 27 weeks or more, at “3.6 million declined by 232,000 in January. These individuals

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