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Submitted By randombrandoons
Words 564
Pages 3
SOC3116 Notes

Why is it useful to ask questions about the role of technology in society? To challenge our complacency

We have become accustomed to rely on technology for the basis of communication and information gathering.

Want to become aware to the extent of which this is the case

Social media vs. traditional media? 1 way vs 2 way communication interaction comes from 2 way communication. The defining characteristic.

Environment is critical of the use of technology.

Perception of the role of television in society in the 60s and 70s tv became more widespread people though kids became addicted.

Neil postman says there is always a tradeoff when it comes to new technologies * as new technologies are introduced there is always some kind of exchange you don’t always just get new technology on top of everything else. * Ex telephone when it was introduced people the viewpoint of having telephones on top of everything else is only true at the beginning. Later on our behaviors change. People don’t visit people or write letters as often * Sometimes the tradeoff is clear there are always tradeoffs the ability to see those depends on how much we are willing to speculate. * It becomes our responsibility to begin to ask ourselves what the tradeoff is * Postman says what benefits some harms others * He is saying that technology is not value neutral technology is like a hammer is a hammer good or bad? Presented as a dichotomy its either good or bad if you do something good with the hammer it is good vice versa. * The hammer is neutral its how it is used. * Ex guns in the united states ignores the context in which they are used and in which they exist. * Guns don’t kill people people with guns kill people. * As the users of technologies we feel we are the beneficiaries however the people who create them are harmed. * Thirdly postman says imbtted in all technologies are assumptions that influence the way we behave. * Culturally contingent assumptions shape how we interact with the technology and in the longer term speak more closely to a tradeoff * Technologies are created in a particular context to meet a specific need. * EX when the pc was made for wide consumption they were designed for individual people. * In western culture we are autonomous people it would be great if everyone felt they needed their own. * Fourth postman says that technological change is not additive but cumulative * When new technologies are intoruced they have the affect of changing everything everything is affected perhaps just a little bit but we cant change it afterwards * Analogy of a glass of water that you put a drop of red dye into after the water is red what you end up with is a glass of red water * Once a new technology is domesticated it has the potential to affect everything * Can influence all sorts of technologies * finally he Says TECHNOLOGY IS NOT GOD GIVEN seeing it that ways we are in a position of being passive instead of active * Internet language the idea that the emergence of the internet reflects the particular dominance of a particular language. * 1995 the year the internet became mainstream initially the online content was all English is now 76%. * Language is a culturally contingent assumption

Video: are we digital dummies

12 billion text message everyday at risk of becoming digital dummies.

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