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Soccer Maestros


Submitted By lalexan
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Soccer Maestros

When we talk about sports it is a common sense that soccer is the most popular and most practiced sport in the whole world. Most known as “football” all over the world (only the USA and Australia call it soccer) this sport is responsible for having 265 million active “footballers” in the entire planet, according to a research conducted by the FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) in 2006. Even though the USA are recognized as a country that don’t care too much about soccer, they appear as the second nation in number of players, with a number pretty close to the leader, which is China. However, this number of people that play soccer (professionally or as an amateur) has nothing to do with the real popularity of soccer in the USA, as football, baseball and basketball occupy the entire time in sports channels on TV and on people’s mind. It is really rare to have soccer games on the TV, and sports news barely waste time talking about soccer. Some reasons for this lack of interest could be: the fact that Americans don’t like the idea of a game that can end without a winner, the relative simplicity of the game, the lack of tradition in international tournaments, and finally, the lack of knowledge about all the complexity involved in the game.
A person that watches a soccer game for the first time must think that the game is based only on twenty two men running after a ball, all over the field, using only their foot and trying to score a goal, no matter what. Nevertheless, soccer involves a lot of tactics and each player on the field is responsible for an specific role, which determines the success or the failure of the game plan, because different from other sports, soccer is totally based on team work, and having the best player doesn’t mean that the team is really good. Although every position on the field has its importance, there is a specific part of the field known as “the heart” of a team, and this part is the midfield, where most of the best players in history showed their skills and enchanted the world with magical touches, incredible dribbles, and, besides doing all of this, they also scored beautiful goals, even though this wasn’t the job of a midfielder. Even though the formation chosen by the coach can bring a different shape to the midfield, those who are known as a midfielder will always be the most important and most hard-working players on the field, and because of this complexity, they should be classified according to their specific role, as following: the holding midfielder (also known as defensive midfielder); center midfielder (also known as playmaker); and last but not least, the attacking midfielder. Depending on the formation chosen, some of these roles can be left out, but the most common formations used in soccer today include at least one of each, and sometimes we can have two players who have the same role, in case the coach wants to give a more offensive or defensive shape to his team. Anyways, the tactics and formations used in soccer are not the main thing to be covered here, so a description of each one of the positions on the midfield should explicit the difference between them and how they can be used to change a game. First of all, the role responsible to be the foundation of the midfield: the holding midfielder (or defensive midfielder). As the name suggests, those who play on this position are responsible for supporting their defensive players and preventing the other team’s midfielders to create scoring chances. Those who play in this position are normally players with a lot of stamina, due to the fact that they need to run a lot in order to tackle the other teams' attackers and defenders and also cover the positions of full-backs and other midfielders as they advance into attack. Moreover, they are responsible for retaining the ball and to start the plays nearer the defense. As passing the ball across the defense can be especially risky, the presence of the holding midfielder just in front of defenders provides a relatively safer option going forward. Normally, they don’t go to the attack frequently, but sometimes they can show up as a surprise element on the offensive system, although technique and dribbling skills are not the most noticeable strength of this kind of player. Playing close to the holding midfielders, the center midfielder plays a freer role, but he also has responsibilities related to the defensive system. This kind of player normally stays in a withdrawn position, and because of that many people confuses the role of the holding midfielder and the center midfielders, but looking carefully at them, the difference can be easily noticed, as tackling and defense are not their main role. As known as the “brain of the team”, they have the freedom to position their selves on the field in order to dictate the play as it evolves, as well as a license to attempt long, riskier balls, to the forwards. Just like the holding mid, a center mid normally features a good stamina, to cover larger spaces on the field, but their main skills should be: a good longing passing ability to play balls towards the forwards; short passing ability, as an alternative to keep the possession of the ball on the defensive half; creativity and a good vision, to find the free spots and read the runs made by the forwards; a good and sure first touch, to control the ball and keep possession when receiving passes under pressure, which can be very common to happen on that part of the field. One of the best examples of a complete center midfielder was Zinedine Zidane, a French player that was elected 3 times as the best player in the world. In front of the holding midfielders and playmakers, it comes the attacking midfielder, and as the name suggests, this is the most offensive player on the midfield and responsible for creating scoring opportunities and to help the forwards on attacking plays. Most of the best players in history played as attacking midfielders, like Pele, Maradona, Platini. One thing in common about these players is their technical ability, which includes control, passing, dribbling and shooting, adding an enormous creativity and intelligence to anticipate the plays, even when they don’t have the ball. These players have a smaller responsibility when it comes to the defense, but they also have to cover spaces and help defensive mids and center mids to keep the shape of the midfield and avoid counter attacks. These players could easily play as forwards, but their natural talent to anticipate plays makes them even more unpredictable by coming from behind and, consequently, a bigger threat to the opposite team’s defense. In essence, no matter what role it is, a good midfielder must possess multi skills: by showing the ability to be combative while also being creative; being aggressive while playing with class; be ready to defend and, in a fraction of a second, be aware to start a counter attack and help his team to score. People normally think that strikers are the best players in soccer, because they are the players that normally score goals and are naturally highlighted, but one thing to be kept in mind is that a good striker without midfield support could lack attacking chances, and would probably have problems to even touch the ball during the entire game. At the same time, a defense likewise could be severely tested if the team doesn’t have a compact and well-shaped midfield. In other words, because they occupy the most influential parts of the pitch, midfielders are perhaps more likely to influence the outcome of a match than other positions. Also, midfielders typically expend the most energy during a match, which indicates their level of participation in the game, and consequently their importance for the game. If a soccer team was considered an orchestra, undoubtedly the midfielders would be considered the maestros of this orchestra, responsible to conduct the whole spectacle and making sure that everyone else on the field is able to play their roles.

"FIFA Big Count 2006: 270 million people active in football .” FIFA Communications Division, 2007., accessed on October 30th.

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