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Social Development in Adulthood


Submitted By Kaylynm318
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Social Development in Adulthood

The topic in social development I chose to write about is mid-life transition or how it is more commonly known mid-life crisis. The reason I decided to go with mid-life transition is that I find it fascinating that we go through so many different changes during adolescence, then we have a large amount of time before our minds need to “reset” again. I see the timing of a mid-life crisis as a time to take control over your life again, break away from the routine that we create for ourselves and use the opportunity to try something new, or broaden our horizons. The article I read that peaked my interest about the dreaded mid-life crisis is “Mid-life Crisis? Bring it on!” it was published by Time magazine in May of 2005 by Nancy Gibbs. It takes a different approach to the mid-life crisis and provides new insight and ways to make your own a positive one. The article started with a story about how the author is going through her own mid-life transition and learning how to own it, instead of letting it own her. The article continues on to tell how the changes that we go through in life shape us into to who we are and how the mid-life transition plays a role in continuing that process. If I was writing a report of how to come out of a mid-life crisis feeling on top, instead of following the mainstream path of “just a phase” this is a definite choice I would pick for a resource. I would not use it if I wanted to get more into the psychology and the understanding of what our minds are doing I would probably not use this article. This article provides better insight into how our personal emotions are affected by our mid-life brain reboot.

Reference: Time; 5/16/2005, Vol. 165 Issue 20, p52-63, 10p, 9 Color Photographs

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