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Social Influences and Culture


Submitted By Schumie
Words 1839
Pages 8
Chapter 8 – Social Influences and Culture

Motives for Social Conformity

1. Compliance. Members might conform because of compliance which is the simplest, most direct motive for conformity to group norms. It occurs because a member wishes to acquire rewards from the group and avoid punishment. As such, it primarily involves effect dependence.

2. Identification. Some individuals conform because they find other supporters of the norm attractive. In this case, the individual identifies with these supporters and sees himself or herself as similar to them. Identification as a motive for conformity is often revealed by an imitation process in which established members serve as models for the behaviour of others.

3. Internalization. Some conformity to norms occurs because individuals have truly and wholly accepted the beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie the norm. Internalization occurs when individuals have truly and wholly accepted the beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie the norm.

Organizational Socialization

Socialization is the process by which people learn the norms and roles that are necessary to function in a group or organization. Socialization methods (realistic job previews, employee orientation programs, socialization tactics, mentoring, proactive tactics) influence immediate or proximal socialization outcomes such as learning, task mastery, social integration, role conflict, role ambiguity, and person–job and person–organization fit. Proximal outcomes lead to distal or longer-term outcomes such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational identification, organizational citizenship behaviour, job performance, stress, and turnover.

An important goal of socialization is to help newcomers assimilate and fit into the organization. Person-job fit refers to the match between an employee’s knowledge, skills, and

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