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Sociology Labelling Theory Crime


Submitted By lydgidd
Words 845
Pages 4
Labelling Theory


* Most approaches – except Marxism – accept difference between those who offend and those who don’t * One group – influenced by symbolic interactionism – questioned this approach – mistaken in assumption that lawbreakers are different from law abiding * Most people commit deviant or criminal acts – only some caught and stigmatized for it * Unique theories – as argues pointless trying to search for differences between deviants and non-deviants – stress should be upon understanding the reaction to, and definition of, deviance rather than on the cause of the initial act

Becker: * No act is criminal or deviant until it has been labelled such by others * Criminal act in itself isn’t important – social reaction to act is * Agrees CD socially constructed * Becker studies – being labelled as deviant can have important consequences for persons identity * If label successfully applied – negative label becomes master status – cancels out any other statuses that indiv. has * Can result in excluding indiv from different social activities e.g. work and other mainstream society – left to find support with others in similar situations * Likely to reinforce deviant lifestyle – leading to dev of further deviant acts and career * Could ultimately lead to the creation of deviant subcultures * However – criticisms – fails to explain why people commit crimes and completely neglects power and social structure – cant explain why certain types of people regularly and repeatedly identified as criminal or deviant – although LT claim to provide voice for those who are labelled as deviant – outsiders – underdog
* Working with Malinowski – beckers ‘The Outsiders’ – clear illustration of labelling theory applied to idea of CD * Malinowski – youth killed himself when publically accused of

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