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Socrates And Antigone Analysis

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Socrates worked in Athens, where he lived as well. He was not a wealthy person and had a wife and children. He did various jobs, one of them being a city guard. He had a bad reputation as a husband. One of his powerful social connections, Plato, of the local oligarch, strongly nurtured his reputation in Athens. Socrates was a well-favored guest at the frequent parties that Plato organized, where there was a free flow in terms of philosophical discussions. However, the strong reputation of Socrates led him to chafe at the body politic of the Athenian city state. After some time, Socrates was perceived as a growing danger by the local politicians. Athens eventually gave Socrates a final ultimatum. He was to either die soon, in Athens, or to …show more content…
Given the choices of death and fleeing Athens, Antigone would advise Socrates to flee Athens. This way, Socrates would have stayed alive and not died a premature death by poison hemlock. Antigone would also advise Socrates not to get too much entangled in philosophical discussions and to avoid criticizing the Athenian body politic. On the other hand, Antigone would argue with Socrates that his political opinions on the authorities of Athens were overreaching and thusly, would cause him to be punished. She would also argue that the punishment which Socrates had chosen to settle with was comparatively lesser attractive as compared to the alternative of fleeing …show more content…
Therefore, Creon declares that Antigone and her sister be put to death. Creon's son, Haemon, who intends to marry Antigone, advises Creon to reconsider his ruling on Antigone’s case. They both argue, Haemon accusing his father of arrogance while his father accuses him of unmanly weakness taking a woman’s side. The son leaves in anger and swears never to return. As a result, Creon reconsiders his pronouncement on Ismene and Antigone, making another rule that Antigone will be sealed in a tomb and left to die of starvation rather than being stoned to death while Ismene will

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