Premium Essay



Submitted By kolycole84
Words 514
Pages 3
19 July 2012

The Joy of becoming a Soldier This essay will tell you how to become a soldier starting at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) all the way to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). The MEP station is where your life changes from being your name to a number. Basic Combat Training (BCT) is just the start of the never ending training. As a soldier your mind to places it never been and put your body in positions it never seen. Becoming a soldier you become part of something more than just yourself. The first step to becoming a soldier is going through the MEP station. The MEP station is where you enter into a new life, where you last name becomes your first name. At the MEP station you take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. The importance of the ASVAB is to determine if an individual has the mental capacity to enlist into the military and to assist the branch of their choice to find a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) that you are mentally capable of doing. This test can either be done on paper or computer. The ASVAB is a group of test that the Department of Defense established (DoD). The test consists of 9 timed subtests such as, word knowledge (WK), mathematics knowledge (MK), general science (GS), mechanical comprehension (MC), and electronics information (EI). Once your in-processing is complete at MEPs, you will prepare yourself to leave for BCT. Basic Combat training is the initial training that helps civilians transition into soldiers. During the 10 week training each person learns how to work as a team rather than an individual and the Army values. In this stage of becoming a soldier your life becomes repetitive with long days. BCT is where you will learn numerous simple combat skills such as basic rifle marksmanship, hand grenade qualification, physical training, field

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