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Speech Language Pathologist Failure

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“Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something.”
When I walked onto the campus at Virginia Tech in 2011 failure wasn’t even on my mind. I had finished high school with honors and the dream of becoming a pharmacist. I had a plan (the same one since fifth grade) and knew that nothing was going to change. Little did I know that pharmacy was far from my passion, medical based chemistry and biology were some of the most difficult courses I had ever been faced with and I came to realize that I had a lot of thinking to do. I left Virginia Tech with an abysmal GPA and decided a year at home working and going to community college were my best options. I had to immediately get over my pride and accept the fact that I had hit the road running and fell flat on my face. The year I spent at home I went to J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College and John Tyler Community …show more content…
To learn more about the profession I was able to shadow an experienced SLP at a local hospital and that is where I realized that working with the older population was my passion. During the time that I watched her work with a variety of patients, all older, but with varying conditions whether a stroke, short-term memory loss, or swallowing disorders. The patient that was most interesting to me was an older man who had previously been diagnosed with mouth cancer in 2004, had undergone chemotherapy and his uvula had been radiated away. The patient had aspiration pneumonia 3 different times, but was still working a full time job and trying to get better. He was a puzzling case for the woman I was shadowing, but I was able to see her perform swallow evaluations. After watching her interactions with different patients, especially the older, I knew that it was the population I should spend my future

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