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Speech Outline for Bear Attacks


Submitted By zyjean24
Words 406
Pages 2
A.Opening Device: Your hiking down a path minding your own business when suddenly a large brown bear comes out of no where. What do you do? Do you run? Do you play dead?
B.Thesis Statement: This evening I will inform you about how to react to a brown bear attacks. Preview of Main Points: I will tell you about how common brown bear attacks are, how to prevent bear attacks, and what do to when you are face to face with one.

A.Brown bear attacks are not that common. According to Websters Dictionary a brown bear is “ any of several bears predominantly brown in color that are usually considered a single species including the grizzly bear and that formerly inhabited western North America from the barrens of Alaska to Northern Mexico and much of Europe and Asia but are now much restricted in range.” According to Yellowstone National Park's website,, the chances of a bear attack in their park is approximately 1in 2 million. You are 10 times more likely to be attacked by a dog than a brown bear. (Even though the chances of a bear attack are low you should still know how to prevent one.)

B.Do research as to where you are staying to see if there are bears in the area. If you believe there is a bear around you shouldn't be stealthy. Do not bury garbage into the ground. Do not feed a bear at all, according to a biologist named Dick Shideler, with the Department of Fish and Game in Fairbanks, said that “once a bear associates people with food, it becomes a potential threat to all people in any future encounters.”

(Being aware of your surroundings will lessen your chances of needing to use these techniques.)

C.If you do still find yourself in front of a bear here is what you can do.
1.You can use bear spray. You can play dead.
3.If the bear is still charging at you then you fight the bear aiming for they eyes and the nose.


A. Summary: Bears are a threat that are best to be avoided even if you are sure that you can take it.
B.Closing Device: I hope if anyone here finds yourself in bear territory do your research and know what to do in the situation.

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