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Speech Questions


Submitted By docot95fl
Words 288
Pages 2
8.2 Creating Figures of Speech
1. a wonderful meal = a meal fit for a king
2. the great speech = such a spectacular speech
3. moderation is a virtue = the key to greater fulfillment is moderation
4. he made a fortune = he has more money than the queen
5. their love for each other is something else = their unmatched love is one of a kind
6. the thief was big = the thief was as big as a bear
7. the apartment was immaculate = the apartment was so clean you could eat off the floors
8. she lived a good life = she lived life like it was always her last day
9. happiness is the only real goal = happiness is the key to success
10. go green = reduce, re-use, recycle
8.3 Giving Life to Your Sentences
1. The teacher was discussing politics. = The teacher, discussing politics, started a lively debate amongst the students during class.
2. The player scored. = In the last very few seconds of the game, the player made the most amazing score.
3. Only three of the previously mentioned people agreed. = Out of the thousands and thousands of people, the previous mentioned three were the only ones that had agreed.
4. The children each received their presents. = To their extreme surprise, each of the children received a gift.
5. I read the review of the movie. = In eager anticipation of seeing the movie, I just had to read the latest review.
6. The couple rented a great car. = The couple rented the most luxurious, top of the line automobile that was on the lot.
7. The detective wasn't much help. = To my astonishment, the detective didn't discover anything that I hadn't already discovered.

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