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Speech of Finance


Submitted By anshul123456
Words 759
Pages 4
Good Morning/Evening friends,

The topic which I am going to speak on today is ‘use of technology and innovation in promoting good governance’.

But before I start, let me take your opinion on two basic things. All those raise your hand who thinks the current government is doing a great job.
All those raise your hand who thinks the previous government did a great job.

There lies the difference. One did just ‘governance’ and another ‘good governance’.

However, the difference is not this small and we need to explore the term ‘Good Governance’ in detail and also how technology and innovation will promote it. Keeping this in mind, I have divided my talk in to 4 parts.

First, we will see what one exactly means by ‘Good Governance’.
Second, we will see how technology and innovation complements it.
Then we will discuss some examples keeping the working of current government in mind, some of the initiatives taken by the government.
And finally, I will conclude with what future avenues can be explored by the use of technology which is currently untapped.

So what exactly is good governance? The definition or exact meaning of the term may vary from individual to individual, for some it may be to provide shelter and food to each and every person, for others it might be proper functioning of law and order, development etc.
However one thing which everyone of us will agree on and which is also the definition as per the ruling party is that Good Governance is an administration where even the weakest section of the society have an equal stake in charting the country’s growth.
No one is left out and the slogan which correctly exemplifies this is ‘Sabka sath sabka vikas’, which had been heavily promoted during elections. A good governance model is where even the tallest leaders and top bureaucrats are answerable to an ordinary citizen. Complete

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