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Sporting Safety


Submitted By Mambaa
Words 330
Pages 2
1- What problems do you commonly see at sporting arenas or school events? Does your school allow for after-hours use by the public?
Spectator aggression in sporting arenas or school events is among the challenges related to sports and school events that administrators are struggling to deal with. It is associated to issues of crowd management at different locations and levels. Fans-related hostility mostly occurs either within or outside stadiums and has made the perception of events by negative by mostly parents. Property destruction that involves the knocking down of sound systems, destroying the playing field, damaging the venue or other people’s property is among the problems experienced during events. In addition, verbal abuses and gesturing that include yelling chants, singing obscene songs, and signalling threats and improper motions are other challenges that are almost impossible to deal with during events. Throwing of missiles and other items such as food stuffs, drinks, bottles, and broken seats represent other troubles caused in sporting arenas. Furthermore, swarming is another issue where fans rush to the stage; crash gates to gain entry, and rush to the exit to the exit may result in death or injury from trampling.
Our school has a strict policy that governs the use of institution properties for events. The policy allows only isolated fields to be used for sporting events by outsiders. Also, strict rules and regulations are imposed by the administration to the organizers to ensure sanity during events hosted by organizers. 2- What potential emergency is your first priority for planning? Why?
In planning for events in schools and public arenas, several emergency measures must be put in place. The plans will be either to prevent emergence of ugly situations or to deal with ugly situations once they have occurred. Since the likelihood of ugly situations occurring is high, the topmost emergency priority in events is First Aid. They help to prevent injuries from getting worse and also death resulting from injuries.

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