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Sports and Leisure


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Sports and Leisure Comparison
Spain and Cuba have many sports and leisure activities available. The sports include several water activities and even the games of baseball and football. The leisure activities may include time unwinding with the help of listening to music, dancing, eating, and drinking. Each activity, regardless of the country, has cultural importance as well as entertainment value.
Sports and Leisure Activities in Spain
There are a large variety of sports and leisure activities enjoyed in Spain. Many water sports are enjoyed from Spring into Fall due to the agreeable weather. Boating, water skiing, sailing, and sunbathing are the most enjoyed activities due to the many beaches of Spain during these months. Other sports such as golfing and cycling are extremely popular. In the winter, natives actually enjoy skiing. There are many resorts to ski, with the Pyrenees being the most popular. Two of the most enjoyed past times include bullfighting and tapas hopping. Spain is well known for their music, dance, food and drink. A constant activity that the natives enjoy is known as tapas hopping or tapeo—the tapas-bar crawl that has Spaniards walking, chatting, drinking, and eating every weekend. After a good tapa crawl what could be better than a bullfight? Bullfighting season is from April through September months and many bullfighting festivals than can last or up to two weeks at a time (AngloINFO Limited, 2014).
Football is the most important sports in Spain compared to football in the United States. Spaniards groom their children for the sport and multiple leagues are formed in different cities. Other sports in Spain are hunting and bullfighting. These sports are comparable because both harm animals for entertainment and amusement purposes in Spain. Spain has multiple hunting grounds where animals are hunted and killed for sport. If compared with bullfighting, which is considered an enjoyable event in Spain but no longer considered one of importance, bullfighting is publicized as who is the strongest, man or beast. Spain is the only country in the world that still condones the harness acts of grooming the Toro bull for entertainment purposes. Even though, bullfighting has been a tradition since ancient time. In today’s respected world, animal right groups have become advocates against the cruelty of animals (Sports in Spain, n.d.).
Leisure time for Spaniards is one of relaxation and time with friends and family. Tapa hopping is referred to as bar hopping. Spaniards bar hop to try out different food and drink that are free. In comparison to the United States Americans just go to a bar to dance and have a drink. This is also similar to Spaniards. Spaniards love to dance and have fun with all the beautiful culture among them. Spain is full of life, history and has become a tourist scene for all to see (Sports in Spain, n.d.).
Sports and Leisure Activities in Cuba
Cuba is located in the Caribbean's which as we know is gorgeous, located by the water which is where they spend their time. Cuba is well known for their clear water which helps the natives commit to fishing, as well as searching for the many different water creatures located there. With their water being a top historic match, we can expect them to do things like water diving and water skiing.
In each culture, it is normal to have chosen a specific sport. It is said that Cuba considers Baseball their national sport. Cuba has claimed baseball as their sport, ever since the Cuba's first baseball game played in December of 1874. It is said they love baseball as much as the European love soccer (Debby, 2013).
In Cuba, fishing, diving, water skiing, and baseball are the most common activities that people prefer to participate within for some fun events. While some participate in fishing, there are people who go diving and water skiing to past time with family and friends. Some Cubans even make money while fishing and playing baseball. Baseball is an event that Cubans played for centuries and even started to participate in the events with America. Cuba hosts many baseball games throughout the year because it is an important sport in Cuba (Cuba-culture, 2014). The difference in this activities is that fishing, diving, and water skiing are relaxing and playing baseball is just to have fun competing against others teams.
España y Cuba han cultivado una gran variedad de deportes y actividades de ocio que reflejan la cultura y la esencia de su tierra natal .
España , al igual que Estados Unidos, tiene el fútbol con gran admiración . No es raro que los españoles para preparar a sus hijos a una edad temprana en la preparación para una carrera en el fútbol . El español también tratar a la caza y la tauromaquia como un deporte honorable, con campos y estadios en todo el país dedicada a las actividades.
Tapas, o en el bar , los saltos es la actividad de ocio de la opción para la mayoría de España . Esta actividad consiste en ir a una gran variedad de bares y discotecas en un área para bailar y beber . El tiempo de ocio también se compone de otras actividades como el golf y el esquí .
Mientras España se ha dedicado al fútbol, Cuba ha elegido el béisbol como su deporte nacional. Desde Cuba participó en su primer partido de béisbol en 1874 , se ha considerado al béisbol como el deporte naciones.
Mientras que el béisbol se juega por la competencia y la emoción de ganar , Cuba también se entrega a actividades más pausadas . Debido a su ubicación en el Caribe, Cuba puede fácilmente tomar ventaja de su proximidad a la hermosa agua para disfrutar de actividades como la pesca , el buceo y el esquí acuático para divertirse.
De los deportes de competición a las actividades para la diversión, estos países el anfitrión de una variedad de diferentes eventos para pasar un buen rato .

AngloINFO Limited. (2014). Sports and leisure activities in Spain. Retrieved from
Cuba-culture. (2014). Cuban baseball - A guide to baseball in Cuba. Retrieved from
Debby, D. (2013). These Fun Facts About Cuba Will Have You Astonished! Retrieved from
Sports in Spain (n.d.). In Retrieved May 18, 2014

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