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Stacey's Lesson Quotes

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Show courage and follow your convictions if you believe in something strongly. The novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, shows an example of courage thought a character named Stacey Logan. Stacey shows courage and followed his convictions when he got revenge on a white bus driver and starting a fight with his friend T.J.(TS) Thought this book Stacey’s actions showed that he is a courageous and brave young man, that would do anything to help his friends or family no matter the consequences. He shows people that he is courageous and would break the rules to protect his family.
Have you ever wanted to get revenge on someone or something? Stacey was willing to, even know he could get severely punished for his actions.(TS) …show more content…
Stacey did because of something T.J. did. Stacey’s actions can be read in chapter 4 when T.J. Avery went to the Logan’s house. As T.J. was at the Logan’s he got the answers to a test that he was taking in class. Stacey found out about the notes so he tore them to shreds, but T.J. made a new set of heat notes without Stacey knowing. Once the test T.J. showed his new set of notes to Stacey, and he didn’t want T.J. to get in trouble so he took the notes from T.J.. As Stacey took the notes Mama walked past them and saw the notes, and Stacey go switched for cheating, but T.J. was the one who should've gotten switch for bringing the notes. After school that day Stacey went to the Wallace store to get even with T.J., even know Papa told the children to stay away from the Wallace store. Once Stacey found T.J. he got even with T.J. by starting a fight with him, Stacey was to strong for T.J. and won the fight. Afterword Stacey had to face the consequences by seeing Mr.Berry, the man the Wallace boys burned. “ Stacey tore across the Wallace yard and, leaping like a forest fox, fell upon T.J., knocking him down.” ( Taylor, 84). Even know Stacey knew he would get in trouble he was brave enough to go to the Wallace store and he had courage as he began the fight with

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