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Submitted By bertha22
Words 356
Pages 2
According to Endler and Kocovski, levels of state anxiety are dependent upon both the person (trait anxiety) and the stressful situation. The situation must be harmonious with the dimension of trait anxiety in order to evoke increase in state anxiety (Endler & Kocovski, 2001).
Spielberger developed State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) in order to assess two types of anxiety. Its development started in 1964 and items on scale were administered along with widely used anxiety scales and Anxiety Scale Questionnaire to a large sample of undergraduate students. The Welsh Anxiety Scale was also administered to ensure adequate sampling of items with anxiety content (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970). A major revision in the STAI was undertaken in 1979. More than 5,000 additional subjects were tested in the construction and standardization of the STAI Form Y. The main goal was to develop a more unadulterated measure of anxiety to provide a firmer basis for the differential clinical diagnosis of patients suffering from anxiety disorders and depressive reactions (Kausar, Khan, Rasool, Yusuf and Spielberger, 2012).

Description and Applications of the STAI
The STAI measures both state and trait anxiety. The state anxiety scale (State-A) consists of twenty items rated on a four point scale of intensity (Not at all, Somewhat, Moderately so and Very much so) and measures the subjective feelings of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety at the given moment. The trait anxiety scale (Trait-A) also consists of twenty items rated on a four point scale of intensity (Almost never, Sometimes, Often and Almost always) and measures ongoing chronic subjective feelings of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970). The STAI Anxiety scale evaluates essential qualities of feelings such as apprehension, tension, nervousness and worry. The S-Anxiety

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