Premium Essay

Starbucks Ethics


Submitted By diaa4sawan
Words 619
Pages 3
Starbucks is a coffee company based in Seattle Washington. It is the largest coffee house in the world, with chain stores in over 60 countries. With the great success of the company, it is expected that Starbucks to take up social responsibility. Starbucks has an outstanding social responsibility strategy. In addition, Starbucks provides excellent working conditions to its employees and the hygiene levels are praiseworthy.
Starbucks engages in many corporate social responsibilities initiatives. They include community service, wellness, and diversity, ethical sourcing programs, and environmental concerns. Community service includes through the Starbucks foundation that funds education of needy students (Crowther 70). The provision of clean water is also under community service. In diversity, Starbucks seeks to be diverse especially in areas where employment and procurement are concerned. In ethical sourcing, the company is committed to practicing ethical trading. As a result, the firm has come up with guidelines and procedures to govern the standards for the growing and selling of their coffee. Recycling, water and energy preservation fall under environmental concerns. Starbucks uses Three-Domain model of corporate responsibility. The economic domain includes activities that are projected to have a direct or indirect positive economic impact on the company. It can be activities, which improve a company’s image and then eventually lead to increased sales (Hunnicutt 89). The legal domain it looks at the company’s compliance to the law. It keeps in check standards in relation to waste, resources, working conditions, products, and services. Ethical domain explains the organization ethical and social responsibility, which is in order to comply with the societal expectations.
Starbucks third parties include primary stakeholders that are the US customers and employees,

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