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Steroid Use


Submitted By tybo881
Words 485
Pages 2
Anabolic Steroids used to obtain competitive advantage are prohibited by the rules of the governing bodies of many sports. The use is prevalent most athletic competitions even among high school students to give them an ‘edge.’ Taking steroids is iniquitous in competitive sports. In addition, a good performance just brings up doubts and questions about consumption of steroids. These problems indeed have a solution. The mayhem would simply be solved if every athlete took steroids.

Steroids are the paragon of drugs. It is structured with convoluted formula but the injection is basic and painless. Recognized by specialists, steroids work extremely fast. Athletes could simply inject themselves right before every game and feel the upshot. With everyone taking steroids, the game would be much more exciting. The enhancement of the energy of the athletes would contribute a lot. The game would move much quicker and athletes would feel indefatigable the entire game. Audiences and athletes would feel excited alike.

Individuals taking steroids would no longer be penalized. Great performance would be truly great, since everyone fairly took steroids. World records would all be broken in a matter of days. Athletes would save more time by giving up their fruitless workouts. Steroids would provide all the power necessary anyways.

Who could possibly not take steroids? It is a no-brainer. It is not cheating; it is maximizing your performance. Some people pay a lot of money to learn theory in business school. Businesses like steroids. They all want to get bigger, better, faster, stronger. I enjoy watching Barry Bond's big body broadside the batter's box. He simply wields the bat like a toothpick, spitting on anything out of the zone, and launching everything else into the jet stream. Who doesn’t like this? I want to see someone hitting

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