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Steve Jobs Informative Essay

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Steve jobs is still the world's greatest corporate story teller. His keynote presentations continue to attract thousands of views on YouTube and he has profoundly impacted the way leaders communicate. He was an astonishing presenter because he informed, inspired and entertained.

Jobs used concise headings such as "Your life in your pocket". This meant that the iPhone has so many features that it almost covers all aspects of your social requirements. But instead of putting up never ending slides, he used headlines that were short enough to be posted on twitter.

Jobs knew how to interact with audience. He told them stories that are commonly experienced by users regarding Apples products. He explained the story himself about Apples products getting you girls and absolutely had everyone laughing, while his slides only consisted of a few words. …show more content…
He summed up the product in few minimal words and had the audience completely persuaded. "Music, calls and internet" said Jobs when introducing the iPhone.

Steve jobs was passionate about design, which made him express him passion and reflect it on the audience. "it looks pretty goggone gorgeous" he said with a big smile after showing the iPhone for the first time.

Jobs didn't use too much media, his presentation was only focused on one or two images which were enough and represented the whole point. Even the text he used was very little and to the point.

Jobs always had his way to inspire the audience, as he liked to end up his keynotes with something uplifting and inspiring. He quoted Wayne Gretzky "I stake to where the puck is going to be not where it has been"

What made Jobs look so polished, casual and effortless was the amount of excessive practice and prepare. He used to know every detail of every demo and every font of every slide. And all this is what made Steve Jobs one of the best

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