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Still Hungry in America


Submitted By Tssiajae
Words 333
Pages 2
Still Hungry in America

Marian Edelman Wright wrote the famous literacy narrative “Still Hungry in America”. Marian Wright has been a proponent for disadvantaged Americans her entire life. Edelman’s career began after graduating from Spellman College and Yale Law School. After graduation, she became the founding president of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). In result of Edelman’s phenomenal leadership, CDF has become the nation’s strongest voice for less-fortunate families and children. The mission of CDF is to “leave no child behind.” This mission was imposed to ensure that every child has a healthy start, a head start, a fair start, a safe start, and a moral start in life and a successful passage to adulthood. In addition, in the many professional positions Edelman held, her primary purpose was to stand up for the ones who lived in poverty and for the ones starving from food shortage. By writing “Still Hungry in America”, she intended to communicate this purpose so others would join the cause and help prevent family and children starvation. Her objective in this particular writing is to show how important government assistance programs are too many Americans. She made it very clear in her writing, that although America is the richest nation in the world, many Americans still suffer from or is on the verge of starvation. She also made it very clear that it is important to fight for these programs whenever necessary because although these programs have proven to be helpful to the American people, there are some people out there who fill they are a waste of government spending. It is easy to draw this conclusion because Edelman had to fight back at several groups in the past who tried to defund state and government programs. She also attempted to persuade readers to see her point-of-view by elaborated on the struggles she encountered and overcame in the past. In

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