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Submitted By sal2012
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Forming: Getting to know each other. Members in this stage will ask a number of questions to each other as they are still in the process of getting to know one another. The question asked can vary depending upon different persons. Group member may raise the following question: What can I contribute to the group? What can the group offer me? In this stage members are more concerned with getting to know one another and learn behavior that’s acceptable.
Storming: Dealing with tensions and defining group tasks. In this stage the members tend to be highly emotional which can cause tension. Coalitions and cliques typically form during this stage as members compete to achieve status quo and impose their preferences on one another.
Norming: Building relationships and working together. During this the stage members are unified. There’s now a new sense of harmony following the storming stage and member strive to maintain it.

Performing: Maturing in relationships and task performance. At this stage the team members are totally involved with each other. They are a well-organized team that functions maturely. Team is motivated by goals and objectives.
Adjourning: Disbanding and celebrating accomplishments. Once the group has reached the performing stage they are ready to adjourn. At the Adjournment stage the member are able to disband, convene, and perform. Based on the information provided in the case study, it appears that the group is in the Storming Stage, because the members appear to be highly emotional and there seems to be a lot of tension in the air. We think that Christine could have better managed the group by understanding the various stages of forming and identifying the group’s current stage. Based on the information provided, it appears that the group is in the Storming Stage, because the members appear to be highly emotional and there seems to be a lot of tension in the air. Christine could have better managed the group by understand the various stage of the forming a group and identifying the group’s current stage.

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