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Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis Essay

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Literary Analysis of The Story of an Hour Oppression is dominant in many traditional styled marriages, suggesting that the woman stay at home to see to the man’s needs and to bore children, only to later end up old and sad and without independence, seeking resolution and finding only anguish and regret in her endeavors. Death in many cultures is looked upon as a sad event, and in others is respectively as a joyous moment, not because the victim was deceased, but because they are thought to have moved on to a new life. What these two concepts have in common may be vague at first glance, but after reading The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, one can begin to piece together the relationship between these two concepts.
The title ultimately has the ability to tell the story before one even has to lay eyes on the first sentence. The Story of an Hour suggests that the woman’s life begin at the very moment that her husband's ended, in other words, this is where her story began. The title goes on to suggest that her new life only lasted for one short hour until she abruptly perished. No other detailed information about how her life was previous to this …show more content…
The elderly woman was afflicted with heart troubles and avoided extreme excitement and anxiety in her life to ensure that her heart stays as healthy as it possibly can. News of a train wreck was brought to her attention along with the vague confirmation of her husband’s death. Upon receiving this gruesome news the woman seemed to have gone into a state of shock; it seemed as though no emotion went through her body, as if she had instantly become an empty shell. The woman confined herself to her room where she denied all confrontations even with her closest of family members. She reacted how anyone should react to their husband’s death, so she sat in complete silence and

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