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Strategy Paper


Submitted By litesj28
Words 342
Pages 2
Research Strategy 2 Research Strategy Paper All my life I have been thin because I was so active in dance and drill team. As I grew older I was able to stay thin working retail for 5 years. I was on my feet and unloading merchandise for eight to ten hours a day. I was able to eat what ever I wanted and not see the effects. When I quit retail I moved to a desk job but kept my eating habits the same. It has slowly caught up with me. I have put on twenty pounds in two and half years. It doesn't help that as people get older their metabolism slows down. I also live alone and eat out a lot. My problem would be to eat healthier. I go to the grocery store and don't know where to being to find foods that are healthy for me. We all know fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy but what about all the food in between. For example: meats, soups, desserts, TV dinners, low fat and low sodium products. Just because a product may say low fat, does that mean it is good for me? Information Gathered I wanted to gather information on healthy food choices. I don't want any quick diet fixes. I want to make a lifestyle change. I want to reach my goal weight but be able to keep that weight from ever coming back. I started my search at the University Library. I selected the database ProQuest for health information. I first started by searching "eating healthy" but that just brought me to the results for people with certain diseases and how they can eat healthy. That was not what I was looking for. Then I searched "ways to eat healthy". It brought up results for how adults and children can change their eating habits for the better. I want information to help me know what foods to buy at the grocery store and what are good choices to make when eating

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