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Punuan: Arisa LLESHI Universiteti LUARASI Fakulteti Ekonomik Finance-Banke Pranuan: Prof. Admir RAMADANI, CFA Prof. Julinda KLLAPI, Msc Cejrolina BARDHI Universiteti LUARASI Fakulteti Ekonomik Finance-Banke

Tirane, Shkurt 2015

“Rritja e cmimeve te shtepive dhe lehtesimi kredidhenies ishte pozitive per bleresit e rinj te shtepiave, duke perfshire ketu spekulatoret, sepse ata pane pothuajse nje perfitim te menjehershem ne cmime. Ishte pozitive per komisioneret e Hipotekave (Mortgage Broker); Ata perfituan komisione fillestare te medha. Ishte mire per Agjensite e Rating-ut ; Ata paten nje biznes te shkelqyer. Dhe ishte mire per Bankat e Investimit, sepse ata po fitonin komisione te medha nga procesi Securitization. Sistemi lulezoi ne kete drejtim per shume vite” “Robert Wescott, President i Keybridge Research”

2 © A.LL & C.B “Kriza Financiare: Ngjarjet kryesore, Shkaqet, dhe Pergjegjesite”, Shkurt 2015

Abstrakti Kriza Fiananciare e vitit 2008 – 2009, si nje nga temat me te diskutuara ditet e sotme, nga e cila u mesua se sistemi financiar i diteve te sotme nuk eshte aspak i sigurte, se ka shume vend per permiresim ne rregullimin qe duhet t’i behet tregut financiar, se per vendimet qe merren per Politiken Monetare dhe rregullimin e sistemit financiar duhet patur shume kujdes, jo vetem kjo, por tregjet ne vetvete dhe te integruara me njera tjetren duhen vezhguar me kujdes dhe duhen ndermarre rregullimet e nevojshme qe te parandalohen momente krizash te tilla. Ky punim do te trajtoje shkaqet e lindjes se krizes financiare, ku mund te permendim ketu pakujdesine e dhenies se huave, Fllucka e shtepive, leva financiare e madhe, Disbalancat e rrjedhave financiare Globale, Procesi Securitization, Mungesa e Transparences dhe kontabilizimi i kolateraleve, vleresimi i dhene nga Agjensite e Rating-ut, kontabilizimi Market-to-Market, legjislacioni derregullues, sistemi i bankingut ne hije, zerat jashte bilancit, deshtimi i menaxhimit te riskut, inovacioni financiar, Modelet kompjuterike jo te mira, Legjislacion i copezuar i Qeverise Federale, CDS-s, Derivativet e tregetuar ne OTC etj. Pervec ketyre do te trajtohen disa nga faktet historike zinxhir te krizes dhe se cfare u be per te rimekembur ekonomine nga Qeveria Federale e USA-s. Te gjitha keto jane pergjigje te pyetjeve qe une mendoj se jane kritike per te kuptuar krizen Financiare 2008-2009, Cfare Ndodhi? Pse ? dhe Si doli ekonomia USA-s dhe ajo boterore nga kjo krize financiare?! Zhvillimi Ne fund te viteve 2000 USA, ne fakt bota perjetoi krizen me te rende financiare qe nga viti 1930 ne vitet e Depresionit te Madh. Ne mes te Marsit 2009 , Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) ra me 53.81 perqind (Figura 1) ne me pak se 6 muaj brenda vitit, nderkohe qe ne periudhen e Depresionit te Madh renia shenoi 49 perqind. Figura 12

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Financial Institutions Management: A Risk management Approach, Introduction, fq.24 Burimi:

3 © A.LL & C.B “Kriza Financiare: Ngjarjet kryesore, Shkaqet, dhe Pergjegjesite”, Shkurt 2015

Marrja e kolateraleve si pasoje e mospagimit te huase hipotekore nga ana huamarresve arriti shenjuesin me te larte ne vitin 2008 ku 1 ne 45 shtepia (2.8 milione prona)3 u gjenden perballe pamundesise per te paguar huane. Industria e bankave te Investimit u perballen me deshtim, shkrirje apo perthithje nga bankat me te fuqishme. Te gjitha bankat u ndodhen perballe ketij fakti pervec dy bankave, Goldman Sachs dhe Morgan Stanley, keto dy te fundit u kthyen ne banka tregtare. AIG nje nga firmat me te medha te sigurimit arriti te mbijetonte ne treg vetem per shkak te asistences financiare qe Qeveria Federale i dha per te mos e lene AIG-ne te binte ne kolaps. Citigroup nje nga bankat me gjigande te Bankave Tregtare kerkoi nje garanci te supermasive nga ana e Qeverise Federale kundrejt humbjeve dhe u kerkoi nje injektim parash qe te parandalonte falimentimin. Tre kompanite e makinave me te medha, Chrysler, General Motor, Ford kerkuan ndihme financiare per te parandaluar deshtimin. Ne tetor te vitit 2009, norma e papunesise arriti vleren 10 perqind, norma me e larte qe nga 1983-shi. Shenja te problemeve shqetesuese ne ekonomine e USA-s ne fillim linden ne mes-fund te vitit 2006 dhe ne fillim-mes te fitit 2007 kur cmimet e shtepiave u rriten me hop te fuqishem dhe moskthimi nga kredite e SubPrime Mortgages filluan te ndikonin ne industrine e kredise me Hipoteke, me pas edhe ne sektore te tjere te ekonomise. Kredite Hipotekore me probleme, sidomos ne SubPrime Mortgages u fryne ne tremujorin e fundit te vitit 2006 deri ne 2008-en ku individet qe nuk e perballonin dot kredine u munduan shume qe te blinin shtepi dhe te merrnin kredi por me vone u gjenden perballe pamundesise per te shlyer kredine. Nga korriku 2006 deri korrik 2007 mbylljet e Kredive hipotekore per shkak mospageses arriten ne nivele 93%4 dhe ne nga gushti 2007 deri ne 2008 u moren nga banka 936’439 shtepia. Si shkak i mospageses dhe pasi banka mori ne pronesi keto kolaterale Mortgage Backed Securities filluan te shenonin humbje te medha. Keto kredi te shoqeruara me nje kontrate qe te jep te drejten e marrjes se kolateralit ne nje moment te dyte, (Securitized Loans) dhe Kredia Hipotekore Subprime e shoqeruar me nje kontrate qe te jep te drejten e marrjes se kolateralit ne nje moment te dyte(Securitized Subprime mortgage loans), ishin rrenja e shkakut kryesor te rritjes se borxhit ne tregun e shtepive dhe me pas ne dobesimin e ekonomise USA-s. Humbjet nga renia ne vlere e Subbprime Mortgage dhe letrave me vlere te mbeshtetura ne keto kolaterale huash arriten 400 milion Dollare gjate gjithe vitit 2007. Citigroup ,Merrill Lynch dhe Morgan Stanley shpenzuan 40 mln dollare si shkak i huave me kolateral. Banka e Amerikes shpenzoi 3 milion dollare , UBS securities paten humbje 1.2 mln Dollare, Lehman Brothers humben 52 milion Dollare, te gjitha kto ngaqe ata u ekspozuan shume ne investimet ne Subprime Mortgage apo Asset Backed Securities. Nje shembull i humbjeve te medha nga SubPrime Loans ishte Banka e Investimit Bear Stearns, e cila ne veren e 2007-es, dy fonde te Bear Stearns vuajten nga humbjet ne investimet e SubPrime Loans, ne kete moment nderhyne J.P Morgan Chase dhe Qeveria Federale nderhyne per te mos cuar ne falimentim te Bear Stearns, banka e peste me e madhe e USA-s, por ne perthithje te saj nga J.P Morgan ne vitin 2008. Ne pranvere te 2008-es Fed mori disa hapa te rendesishem. Se pari, Fed per here te pare i dha borxh bankave te Investimit te Wall Street, per tre ditet e para moren mesatarisht $ 31.3 miliard5. Se dyti, Fed nje te diel te marsit ne 2008 shkurtoi normat e interesit drastikisht. Kjo e ndihmoi situaten pasi
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Financial Institutions Management: A Risk management Approach, Introduction, fq.25 Financial Institutions Management: A Risk management Approach, Introduction, fq.26 5 Financial Institutions Management: A Risk management Approach, Introduction, fq.26

4 © A.LL & C.B “Kriza Financiare: Ngjarjet kryesore, Shkaqet, dhe Pergjegjesite”, Shkurt 2015

borxhi ne treg filloi te rifinancohej me normen baze te re te interesit te vendosur nga Fed. Shtatori i 2008-es shenoi nje kthese vendimtare ne ate moment te krizes. Pas falimentimeve dhe perthithjeve te bankave me te fuqishme, tregjet financiare ngrine dhe bankat ndalen se dhenuri kredi njera tjetres pervec rasteve kur norma interesit ishte teper e madhe. LIBOR per huate nderbankare Overnight u dyfishua sic shikohet ne figuren 2.Zakonisht normat e interesit per huate nderbankare jane te uleta, kjo per shkak te besimit qe kane bankat tek njera tjetra, pasi i perdorin per te shmangur riskun e likuiditetit, por ne ate moment besimi qe banka do ta ktheje kredine nuk ekzistonte. Figura 26

Meqe bankat nuk ishin te gatshme te jepnin borxh njera tjetres tregu pothuajse ngriu, keshtu qe u hartua nje plan shpetimi nga ana e Fed, e cila investoi 180 miliard dollare amerikane. Gjithashtu ne 3 tetor 2008 u firmos ng Presidenti Bush nje plan shpetimi me vlere 700 miliard Dollare Amerikane7, ku u krijua Troubled Asset Rescue Program (TARP), Programi i shpetimit per asetet me probleme. Thesari Amerikan bleu Huate Hipotekore me probleme dhe letra te tjera me vlere me probleme nga institucione te tjera financiare. Gjithashtu u rrit niveli i sigurimit te depozitave per Bankat ekzistuese nga $100 000 ne $250 000. Nderkohe ne bote kriza u perhap sa hap e mbyll syte. Ne fillim te tetorit 2008 ne Gjermani Hyper Real Estate, banka e dyte me e madhe komerciale per dhenien e kredive hipotekore, u nxorr nga balta nga qeveria Gjermane pas kerkeses se saj per shpetim. Ne Britenine e Madhe, Bradford & Bringley rritit sigurimin e nivelit te depozitave nga 62 2200 ne 88 890 Dollare per llogari. Irlanda garantoi depozitat dhe borxhet e gjashte bankave me te medha ne vend. Islanda shpetoi banken e trete me te madhe ne vend me vlere 860 milione Dollare duke blere 75% te aksioneve te saj. Bankat Qendrore te Hollandes, Belgjikes, Luksemburgut rane ne dakort per te injektuar 16.37 miliard Dollare ne Banken Fortis NV. India doli ne mbrojtje te Bankes ICICI duke i premtuar se do ti pomponte para. Gjithashtu pati shkurtime te normave te interesit ne Hong Kong, Japoni, UK, ECB. Normat e Fondeve te Fed arrijne normen me te ulet qe nge 1940-en. Figura 38

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Burimi: Historical LIBOR Rates Chart | MacroTrends Financial Institutions Management: A Risk management Approach, Introduction, fq.27 8 Burimi:

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Figura 3 Edhe per Kinen kjo qe nje periudhe qe i uli hovin e rritjes, nga 10.1% te 2Q ne 0.9% te 3Q te vitit 2008. Kjo ishte hera e pare qe nga 2002-shi qe Kina kishte keto ritme rritjeje. Ne fund te Tetorit kriza globale goditi edhe Gjirin Persik dhe Banken Qendrore te Kuvaitit ku nje banke u shpetua nga banka qendrore e Gjirit Persik. Por pervec ketij rasti Gjiri Persik ishte i vetmi qe ishte imun ndaj krizes globale. Gjithsesi renia pikiate e e cmimeve te naftes me 50% nga Korriku ne Gusht i la keto zona te lenduara. Cmimi naftes qe per barrele ishte 142 Dollar ra ne 40 Dollare per barrele. Nese do flasim per GDP e USA mund te themi qe gjate 2008-2009 pati nje renie te dukshme, por me pas me planin e rekuperimit filloi te rritet ngadale, sic shihet ne grafikun 49.

Figura 4 Pasi folem per ngjarjet se cfare ndodhi dhe cfare u be nga qeveria Amerikane le te shohim nje analize mbi ate cka u be shkak i kesaj Krize Financiare. Per te shpjeguar gjithcka kam kuptuar rreth krizes, me aq njohuri kam mbi sistemin financiar apo aq sa kam lexuar mbi te, mund te them zanafilla e te gjithe borxhit te tregut erdhi nga disbalanca e sektorit te tregut te shtepive. Fllucka e krijuar ne vitin 2000 qe shpertheu pas 6 vjetesh u ushqye nga ulja e normave te interesit ne rekordet me te uleta ne histori, dhenia e huave me nje konkurrence agresive duke iu dhene individeve te varfer qe nuk benin dot sherbimin e huase, si dhe ekspozimi ne nje aktivitet spekulativ te investimeve ne menyre jo racionale. Ne kete periudhe u


6 © A.LL & C.B “Kriza Financiare: Ngjarjet kryesore, Shkaqet, dhe Pergjegjesite”, Shkurt 2015

rriten cmimet e shtepive sidomos ne korrik te vitit 2006 arriti piku i cmimeve me te larta sipas indeksit te kompozuar nga 20 shtepi te S&P/ Case Shiller ashtu sic paraqitet ne figuren 5, dhe ne vitin 2009 cmimet e shtepiave paten nje renie drastike me 40%10.

Figura 511 Nje tjeter gabim qe bene huadhenesit eshte qe kolaterali i pranuar si garanci ishte 50 - 98 %12 e vleres se huase si dhe kompanite huadhenese perdornin nje leve financiare riskoze dhe te pa mbrojtur. Ata e nencmuan riskun qe preku tregun e pasurive te paluajtshme. Sot keto kompani le te themi e kane shmanguar ate leve financiare riskoze qe deri dje perdornin. Ne kohen e krizes i gjithe tregu i strukturuar i produktit drejtohej kryesisht nga inxhinieret financiare. Analistet e kredive hipotekore filluan te benin marreveshje te reja per te dhene kredi, ku u perdoren kritere nenvleresuese, Subprime Loans. Nderkohe, Inxhinieria Financiare perdori Comercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) te cilat nuk rregulloheshin nga ligji, Qeveria Federale kishte 15 vjet 13 qe nuk merrej me rregullimin e tregut dmth Qeveria e Laissez Faire e se djeshmes ishte ajo qe i dha zgjidhjen e fundit te borxhit te krijuar. Ne bilancin e bankave zeri i huave hipotekore kishte krijuar nje portofol te madh i cili u perdor si baze ku te mbeshteteshin letrat me vlere te krijuara CMBS-te. I gjithe portofoli i huave hipotekore iu kalua Special Purpose Vehicles(SPV-ve), pra entiteteve me nje funksion te vecante e cila ka nje strukture te vecante asetesh/ detyrimesh dhe nje forme ligjore te vecante qe e ben ate t’i kete detyrimet e siguruara edhe pse kompania meme falimenton. Bankat me portofole te Huave hipotekore i shiten tek SPV-te dhe i hoqen keto hua nga zerat e bilanceve. Vete SPV-ja emetoi CMBS-te dhe i nxorri ne treg ku investitoret i blinin keto letra me vlere dhe merrnin kupon mbi te. Nga portofoli i huave ata merrnin nje interes periodik qe vinte nga shlyerja e huase, kete interes ata e perdornin per te paguar kuponin ndaj investitoreve. I gjithe portofoli ndahej ne transhe (fasha) te cilat kishin disa karakteristika kryesore ne varesi te riskut qe mbanin. Ne vitin 2006 Security Asset Investment Loan (SAIL) emetoi CMBS & ABS me ndarje transhesh


CFA Institute 2009, Ch. Assessing Real Estate Markets: Pothole or Sinkhole? Earl Webb Capital Markets, Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. Chicago. Page.55 11 Moody’s 12 CFA Institute 2009, Ch. Assessing Real Estate Markets: Pothole or Sinkhole? Earl Webb Capital Markets, Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. Chicago. Page.54 13 CFA Institute 2009, Ch. Assessing Real Estate Markets: Pothole or Sinkhole? Earl Webb Capital Markets, Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. Chicago. Page.55

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sipas vleresimit te agjensive te Rating-ut, perkatesisht AAA- me vjetersi te barabarte, 83.25%14 te kolateralit, AA- vjetersi e pabarabarte, 8.2 % e kolateralit, A- vjetersi e pabarabarte, 4.1% e kolateralit, BBB- Vjetersi e pabarabarte, 2.8% e kolateralit. Cdo transh kishte rikun e moskthimit specifik dhe investitoret qe investonin ne transhin AAA merrnin te ardhuren e kuponit, nga interesi qe SAIL merrte nga huamarresit e Huave Hipotekore. Nje nga faktoret qe kontribuoi ne krizen e kreditit ishte tregu i CMBS, ABS (Asset Backed Securities), ne keto 10 vitet e fundit i kushtoi shume te gjithe individeve. Tregetimi i tyre morri hov galopant nga mesi 2000 deri ne 2007. Ngerci i tmerrshem i likuiditetit ne fillim te viteve 2000 i beri institucionet financiare qe te krijonin keto produkte te inxhinierise financiare si CMBS, ABS te cilat nuk qene transparente per publikun. Me e bukura nga te gjitha eshte qe Agjensite e Rating-ut i vleresonin me Triple-A ne menyre qe investitoret te besonin se investimi ne ato produkte ia vlente dhe nuk kishte aspak risk krediti, nderkohe qe kjo gje e drejtoi krizen ne tregun e Instrumentave Financiare. Pra ngerci qe zuri tregun e shtepive dhe bankave (institucioneve huadhenese), me krijimin e ketyre letrave me vlere te mbeshtetura ne kolaterale apo asete beri qe edhe tregu i instrumentave financiare te ndrydhej. Ne figuren 315 nga viti 2000-2007 shohim nje rritje ne historine e emetimit te CMBS dhe nje renie super drastike ne vitin 2008.

Ekonomia Amerikane ne ate periudhe u shoqerua me nje renie ne nivelin e punesimit dhe kjo e beri shume here me te veshtire situaten. Ne qofte se do shikohet Figura 416 mund te shihet se punesimi arriti renie te madhe ne nje nga nivelet me te larta krahasuar me krizat e viteve 74’,81’,90’,01’.


Financial Analysis Journal Vol. 66, nr.5 2010 CFA Institute, ch. The risk of Tranches created from Mortgages. John Hull and Alan White. Page 54

CFA Institute 2009, Ch. Assessing Real Estate Markets: Pothole or Sinkhole? Earl Webb Capital Markets, Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. Chicago. Page.57 16 CFA Institute 2009, Ch. Assessing Real Estate Markets: Pothole or Sinkhole? Earl Webb Capital Markets, Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. Chicago. Page.57

8 © A.LL & C.B “Kriza Financiare: Ngjarjet kryesore, Shkaqet, dhe Pergjegjesite”, Shkurt 2015

Se fundmi pasi u diskutuan ngjarjet kryesore te krizes, rrjedha e saj, plani shpetimit dhe shkaqet ndodhjes, mund te themi qe disa konkluzione mund te nxirren nga sa u analizua me siper. Ajo cka mund te themi eshte qe kriza financiare ishte nje ngjarje qe i sjell ndermend cdo investitori, cdo CEO te institucioneve financiare, cdo menaxheri risku, cdo analisti kredie, cdo brokeri, cdo perfaqesuesi nga Thesari Fed, apo edhe vete kreut te shtetit qe te marrin vendimet qe marrin te jene te kujdeshme dhe te matshme, mos te veprojne pa menduar mire dhe te perdorin me kujdes sinjalet e tregut dhe cdo sinjal tjeter, ne menyre qe te zbusin situatat e krijuara si kjo e krizave financiare. Nuk po them qe ne te mund te parashikojme nje krize, kjo sepse kur ndodhesh perballe situatave me parashikim dhe kur hyn ne loje probabiliteti mund te themi qe vendimet qe ne marrim jane shume te veshtira. Por te pakten mos te veprojme ne baze te anshmerive. Sot gjurmet e krizes vazhdojne dhe ndihen packa se eshte rimekembur situata, kjo per shkak te Politikave Monetare qe vende te ndryshme aplikojne, apo per shkak te ngjarjeve gjeopolitike qe frenojne bashkepunimin ekonomik, bashkepunimin mes tregjeve nderkombetar. Ajo cka eshte me rendesi per tu thene eshte qe treguesi i rritjes ekonomike qe duhet pare eshte Prodhimi i Brendshem Bruto. Nese nuk ka rritje te GDP, rrjedhimisht aktiviteti ekonomik i vendit ngelet ne vend. Duke u nisur nga ky postulat mund te them qe borxhi i trasheguar nga kriza financiare 2008-2009 e ben ekonomine te ngelet ne vend, per shkak se konsumi nuk zhvillohet kjo per shkak te mos drejtimit te te ardhurave qe merren ne konsum, por qe ato shkojne per te sherbyer borxhin, pra thjesht leviz para, por jo qe krijohet vlere, jo investim, nuk ka konsum. Gjithashtu edhe fluktuacionet e kurseve te kembimit shkaktojne deficit ne bilancin tregtar. Prandaj edhe vete kriza financiare le gjurme te renda si bronkopneumenia ne mushkerite e njeriut.

9 © A.LL & C.B “Kriza Financiare: Ngjarjet kryesore, Shkaqet, dhe Pergjegjesite”, Shkurt 2015

10 © A.LL & C.B “Kriza Financiare: Ngjarjet kryesore, Shkaqet, dhe Pergjegjesite”, Shkurt 2015

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...Study of Asia-Pacific MBA Programs Bloomberg Business week posted an article on March 17th 2014 titled, Elite Business Schools Hike Tuition for the Class of 2016. This article draws a comparison between tuition costs for the class of 2015 for selected US MBA programs and the class of 2016. Tuition costs are increasing more and more every year, for this reason looking at other alternatives may be more cost effective. The following study provides and interpretation of tuition cots both local and foreign in the Asia-Pacific region. From this study we can see the comparison between tuition costs and starting salaries. We can also see other deciding factors such as admission requirements. Finally this study provides a recommendation for an MBA program in the Asia-Pacific region. Please note Table 1.1 listing the study’s programs with their correlating graph ID. Table 1.1 Business School | Graph ID | Lahore University of Management Sciences | LUMS | Indian Institute of Management (Calcutta) | IIMC | University of New South Wales (Sydney) | UNSW | Indian Institute of Management (Bangalore) | IIMB | Curtin Institute of Technology (Perth) | CIT | Massey University (Palmerston North, New Zealand) | MU | University of Queensland (Brisbane) | UQ | University of Adelaide | UA | Monash Mt. Eliza Business School (Melbourne) | MMEBS | Melbourne Business School | MBS | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | RMIT | Macquarie Graduate School of Management...

Words: 3907 - Pages: 16

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...playing a basic rule in the education, and the government was searching for a solution to eliminate this phenomenon. They found that establish public schools overall the states will improve a lot of the poor income people to be introduced in the educational field, and over the years will produce community with cultured educated society. The education is varies in all levels, starting from preschool reaching to postgraduate like masters and doctoral degree. The insurance of improvement in education that any non U.S graduate must have multiple exams prior to admission e.g. TOEFL, ILETS, GRE, GMAT. Nowadays there are gradual increase in the numbers of international students want to continue their educations in United States. The improvement of the education in United States is very obvious and attracts the students worldwide, and they release a lot of plans in progress. All the opportunities social, health, economic, academic will depend on the basic structure...

Words: 306 - Pages: 2

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...Retention(n), retain verb (used with object) the ​continued use, ​existence, or ​possession of something or someone:Two ​influential ​senators have ​argued for the retention of the ​unpopular ​tax.The retention of ​old ​technology has ​slowed the company's ​growth.​water/​heat retention Particularly(adv) Especially(adv) Deter(v) to make someone less likely to do something, or to make something less likely to happen caydırmak, vazgeçirmek, yıldırmak Perception(n) BELIEF [C]› what you think or believe about someone or something algılama, sezgi, görme The public perception of him as a hero is surprising. NOTICE [U] the ability to notice something fark etme, farkına varma, tanıma, görme Alcohol reduces your perception of pain. Conationimpulse Unanimous agreed by everyoneoy birliği ile üzerinde uzlaşılan; herkesçe kabul edilen; genel kabul görenThe jury was unanimous in finding him guilty. unanimity     /ˌjuːnəˈnɪməti/ noun [U]› when everyone agrees about somethinggenel/toplumsal uzlaşı; oy birliği ile anlaşma; genel kabul; fikir birliğiunanimously adverb›oy birliği ile kabul edilmişThe members unanimously agreed to the proposal. dissonancenoun [U]  UK   /ˈdɪs.ən.əns/  US   /ˈdɪs.ə.nəns/      › specialized music a ​combination of ​sounds or ​musical ​notes that are not ​pleasant when ​heard together:the ​jarring dissonance of Klein's ​musical ​score› formal ​disagreement dissonant adjective UK   /ˈdɪs.ən.ənt/  US   /ˈdɪs.ə.nənt/ specializedor formal ›a dissonant ​combination of...

Words: 335 - Pages: 2

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...Student Handbook 2015/2016 Table of Contents Introduction Message from the Director Mission, Vision and Values Why study at Prague College Admissions A short guide to Prague College qualifications English for Higher Education Foundation Diploma in Business Foundation Diploma in Computing Foundation Diploma in Art & Design Professional Diplomas in Business Professional Diplomas in Computing Higher National Diploma BA (Hons) International Business Management BA (Hons) International Business Management (Flexible Study Programme) BA (Hons) Business Finance & Accounting BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Fine Art Exp. Media BSc (Hons) Computing BA (Hons) Communications & Media Studies MSc International Management MSc Computing Accreditation & Validation UK/Pearson Credit system Transfer of credits Student support Accommodation Study Advising and Support Financial support Visas for foreign students Scholarships Benefits for students Study abroad Internships Assistance in employment Counselling Centre Student Resources Computer labs Online Learning Centre (Moodle) Prague College email Physical library Digital Library ISIFA Images Textbooks and class materials Graphic Design/Interactive Media/Fine Art materials and costs Personal computers Message boards and digital signs Newsletters Open lectures, seminars and events Student ID cards Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies (CRIS) Prague...

Words: 27092 - Pages: 109

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International Student

...[pic] TOPIC: INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES ABOUT HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UK Student: Pham Trang Huyen My Student ID: 77142444 10 weeks Pre-sessional course December, 2013 List of content Abstract 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Literature review 5 2.1. Higher Education in the UK 5 2.2. Teacher-student relationships and the quality of teaching 5 2.3. Different learning styles 6 2.4. Group work 7 2.5. Financial issues 8 3. Methodology 9 4. Results 10 5. Discussion 14 6. Conclusion 16 List of References 17 Appendix 19 Abstract Higher education is a competitive business which produces huge benefits for the UK economy. This paper reveals international students’ attitudes about UK higher education and focuses on direct factors which can affect students’ opinions. Reports of international students’ attitudes already carried out in Leeds Metropolitan University are analyzed and the main findings are emphasized. A total of eighteen international students interviewed provided data on their experience in UK education that involves the challenges they have faced and what they have achieved. The project concludes that not only UK tuition fees but also the quality of education can affect international students’ decision to study in the UK. Therefore measures should be taken in...

Words: 3732 - Pages: 15

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Working Student

...INTRODUCTION Many students of HRM in Taguig City University work part-time Employment during school could improve grades if working promotes aspects that correspond with academic success, such as industriousness or time management skills, or instead reduce grades by reducing time and energy available for school work. Otherwise, working might be associated with academic performance, yet not directly influence it, if unobserved student differences influence both labor supply and grades. Unmotivated students might neither work for pay nor receive good grades because they put little effort into the labor market or school. In contrast, HRM students uninterested in academics might work long hours that would otherwise have been devoted to leisure. Students might misjudge the link between college achievement and future earnings when making labor supply decisions. If so, obtaining a consistent estimate of how such decisions affect academic performance is prospectively important for policy consideration. Some of HRM students in Taguig City University Students are more likely to work than they are to live on campus, to study full time, to attend a four-year college or university, or to apply for or receive financial aid. Students work regardless of the type of institution they attend, their age or family responsibilities, or even their family income or educational and living expenses. Most HRM students at Taguig City University face many challenges in their already busy everyday lives...

Words: 2898 - Pages: 12

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Student Adversity

... Adversity allows an individual to develop a sense of discipline, as well as encouraging individuals to exercise their mind to confront a problem or conflict. Specifically, students who encounter hardships are more inclined to try harder, which promotes competition within the school. Although adversity may be beneficial towards some students, challenges can be detrimental for students who lack confidence. For instance, some students develop a mentality of despair; they believe that if one has to work hard, then the person does not have the natural ability for the assignment. Based on the effects of adversity aforementioned, I believe that students can both benefit from the obstacles faced in school with the proper mentality or the effects could be hindering. Students face adversity every day, regardless of how transparent the obstacle may be; some problems may not be as evident as others. According to Carol S. Dweck, author of Brainology, all students face adversities throughout their high-school career, specifically, the challenge of overcoming a fixed mindset. In this excerpt, “The belief that intelligence is fixed dampened students’ motivation to learn, made them afraid of effort, and made them want to quit after a setback”, Carol portrays the illusion that students have over intuitive intelligence (Dweck 2). Students who share this belief of a...

Words: 1029 - Pages: 5

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Student Handbook

...Student Handbook (Procedure & Guideline) for Undergraduate Programmes 2014 Revised: April 2014 UCSI Education Sdn. Bhd. (185479-U) VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT OF UCSI UNIVERSITY VISION STATEMENT To be an intellectually resilient praxis university renowned for its leadership in academic pursuits and engagement with the industry and community MISSION STATEMENT  To promote transformative education that empowers students from all walks of life to be successful individuals with integrity, professionalism and a desire to contribute to society  To optimize relationships between industry and academia through the provision of quality education and unparalleled workplace exposure via Praxis Centres  To spearhead innovation in teaching and learning excellence through unique delivery systems  To foster a sustainable culture of research, value innovation and practice, in partnership with industries and society  To operate ethically at the highest standards of efficiency, while instilling values of inclusiveness, to sustain the vision for future generations 2 UCSI Education Sdn. Bhd. (185479-U) Graduate Attributes Getting a university degree is every student‟s ultimate dream because it opens doors to career opportunities anywhere in the world. A university degree is proof of one‟s intellectual capacity to absorb, utilize and apply knowledge at the workplace. However, in this current competitive world, one‟s knowledge and qualifications...

Words: 28493 - Pages: 114

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Student Policy

...Student Academic Policies Computer Usage: Sullivan University Systems (SUS) provides computer networking for all staff, students and anyone else affiliated with the university community. Sullivan University will provide a platform that is conducive for learning while maintain and respecting the user privacy. Users are authorized to use the accounts only. Passwords should be protected, please keep the confidential (Computer Usage. (2012) Sullivan University. Student Handbook 2012-2013, pp. 12-14.). While using the SUS users have a responsibility and are expected to follow some key rules: 1. Do not abuse the equipment 2. Computers must be used for course work 3. No unauthorized down loading 4. At no time will user install software of any kind Disciplinary action for violations of the Computer usage of policy will be enforced and are as follows: 1. Loss of computer privileges 2. Disconnection from the network 3. Expulsion 4. Prosecution The Compute usage policy is standard and pretty straight forward. The statement lets students know what is and is not proper usage. What I would have like to have seen is a social media portion in the usage policy. Academic Integrity: Cheating and Plagiarism is a violation of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. All students are expected to submit their own work. Penalties for those who are found guilty of cheating may include: (Academic Integrity. (2014, January 1) Sullivan University. Sullivan University 2014 Catalog...

Words: 320 - Pages: 2

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Student Satisfaction

...between the quality of school facilities and student...

Words: 2174 - Pages: 9

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Working Students

...performance of hiring working students Introduction While most students have parents that can support them, there are those students that need get what you call a “part-time job” to help their parents that can’t support them all the way. However, being employed and being a student can be too much to a person. The business process outsourcing industry in the Philippines has grown 46% annually since 2006. In its 2013 top 100 ranking of global outsourcing destinations. Significance of the Study There are situations in the life when one must do what they can to achieve their dreams or help their families. Especially if dealt with financial difficulties and there is a need work while studying. They also need to deal with their everyday busy schedules. This research aims to help understand and discuss the issues and concerns of the employed students to benefit the following: Working Students – Being an employee and student at the same time takes a lot of hard work. It can be rigorous but also rewarding especially if you helped your parents. It can also be a good working experience for them for their future. This study will assist them to see the behaviors that help them achieve their professional skills. Scope and Limitations This is study is conducted at the LPU-Manila and the information is viewed only in the light of the particular student and his or her experience as working student. It does not reflect the view of the general working student population or that of other...

Words: 606 - Pages: 3