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American Government Mrs. Macon (661) 822-2130

I. Course Scope A. Course Description

In this course students will reflect on prior knowledge learned to help them further their understanding of the foundations of American Government and our political system. An emphasis will be placed on civic responsibility and the importance of participation in the democratic process. We will begin by examining the foundation of our nation, our Constitution, and discuss the philosophy of those who created it. We will then use this knowledge to compare and contrast various philosophies of government throughout our world today. This class is a senior course that fulfills the American Government or Civics graduation requirement.

B. Textbooks and Materials Used Magruder’s American Government will be the text book used for this course. Multi-media resources and primary documents will be used throughout the duration of this course. You will also be able to view information about this class through the website, Go to and click on, “Find Your Teacher.” Follow the instructions from there and click on, “Mrs. Macon.”

II. Grading Policy

A. Grading Scale:
90-100 = A; 80-89 = B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; 59 & below = F B. Description of Grading Procedures: 1. Grades will be based on a point system. All assignments will be given a point value. Projects will be graded using a rubric. Rubrics will be explained at the time an assignment is given. 2. If a student has been absent, it his/her responsibility to obtain missing assignments. Make-up quizzes and exams will be scheduled for after school. Please see me to do this. Work that was assigned before an absence is due the day a student returns to class. Students with 15 or more unexcused absences may fail this course. Board policy 5121 (b) states: “If a student misses class without an excuse and does not subsequently turn in homework, take a test or fulfill another class requirement which he/she missed, the teacher may lower the student’s grade for nonperformance. Pursuant to Education Code 49067, the Board may authorize teachers to assign failing grades to students with excessive unexcused absences, the number to be set by the Board. Fifteen (15) unexcused absences per grading semester period shall constitute excessive unexcused absences. Students with excessive unexcused absences may receive a failing grade and not receive credit for the class (es).” Education Code 49067 further states: “The student and parent/guardian shall have a reasonable opportunity to explain the absences. If a student receives a failing grade because of unexcused absences, the student’s record shall specify that the grade was assigned because of excessive unexcused absences.” AR 5121(C) reads: “All teachers who withhold class credit because of excessive unexcused absences shall so inform the class and parents/guardians at the beginning of the semester. When an unexcused absence occurs, the student and parent/guardian shall again be notified of the districts policy regarding excessive unexcused absences.” 3. Homework will be assigned as it pertains to the skills and concepts learned. Students will be required to work on quarter projects outside of the class. Studying for quizzes and tests also constitutes homework. Homework is expected to be turned in on time. 4. Late work will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher. 5. In all work, spelling, grammar, and neatness will be expected. 6. 100 participation points will be available each quarter. Participation points will be earned during each quarter for active participation in class, following class procedures and policies, and coming to class on time. Failing to maintain any of the above responsibilities will result in the loss of participation points. Students may also earn points back during the course of each quarter.

III. Classroom Behavior Expectations

A. Progressive Discipline:
I believe that all students can behave appropriately in the classroom. All students have the right to an education and no student should take that right away by disrupting the education process by inappropriate behavior in the classroom. Remember that you will be held accountable for what you do or say. Think carefully about your actions. The school’s progressive discipline policy will be strictly enforced. (See handbook)

B. Materials Needed
Textbook, a section of a 3 ring binder labeled American Government, paper, and pencils, pens, spiral notebook.

C. Tardy Policy & No Gum Policy The school’s tardy policy and No Gum Policy will be strictly enforced.

D. Classroom Rules
1. Students come prepared to class. 2. Respect all people and property. 3. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. 4. No food, drink, gum, candy, or other nuisance items in class. 5. I excuse you not the bell.

E. Academic Dishonesty
Cheating, copying another student’s work, and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. If a student is guilty of any of the previously mentioned, he/she will automatically receive a “0” for a grade for the assignment. Submitting computer printouts from CD-ROM sources or on-line services will be considered plagiarism. If a student talks or is disruptive while any other student is taking a quiz or test, that student will receive a “0” grade for that quiz/test.

Please take time to review these expectations with your parent(s)/guardian(s). Forms must be returned to class with appropriate signatures in a timely manner. This will be part of your participation points for the first half of this class. Education is a team effort between the teachers and the parents/guardians. Your participation, support and cooperation are greatly appreciated. Parents can contact Mrs. Macon with any questions or concerns by calling the school (822-2130) and leaving a message. Please state a time and number that is most convenient for me to return your call. Questions and concerns can also be sent to my school email address,

























I have read the expectations for American Government and agree to follow all guidelines stated in the expectations provided to me.

_______________________________ (Print Student Name)

_______________________________ _____________________ _______ (Student Signature) (Class Period) (Date) ________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)

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