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Submitted By Olga22
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Scientific popular style has the following peculiarities: emotive words, elements of colloquial style
The language of science is governed by the aim of the functional style of scientific prose which is to prove hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose the internal laws of existence, development, relations between different phenomena, etc. The language means tend to be objective, precise (четк. ), unemotional, devoid of any individuality. There are 6 noticeable features of this style: 1. (most noticeable) Logical sequence of utterances with clear indication of their interrelations and interdependence. The most developed and varied system of connectives (in this style). 2. (the most cospicious-явная) The use of terms. No other field of human activity is so prolific(изобил. ) in coining(создании) new words as science is. The necessity to penetrate deeper into the essence of things and phenomena gives rise to new concepts, which require new words to name them. Term will make more direct reference to something than a descriptive explanation. Words in this style are used in their primary logical meaning. Hardly a single word will be found here which is used in more than one meaning. Neutral and common literary words will be explained either in context or in a foot note. 3. Sentence- patterns. Every piece of scientific prose will begin with postulatory pronouncements which are taken as self-evident and needing no proof. A reference to these facts is only preliminary to the exposition of the writer's ideas and is therefore summed up in precisely formulated statements accompanied by reference to sources. The writer's own ideas are also shaped in formulaes which are the enunciation (формулировка) of a doctrine or theory, of a principle, an argument, the result of an investigation etc. The definition sentence-pattern in a scientific utterance, that is, the sentence which sums up the argument is generally a kind of clincher решающ. довод) sentence. 4. Quotations and references . The references have a definite compositional pattern: the name of the writer referred to, the title of the work quoted, the publishing house, the place and year of publishing.
5. (the frequency of) Foot-notes of digressive (отступ. от темы) character. This is in full accord with the main requirement of the style, which is logical coherence (связь) of ideas expressed. 6. The impersonality is revealed in the frequent use of passive constructions. Scientific experiments are generally described in the passive voice: Then acid was taken, instead of I then took acid. Impersonal passive constructions are frequently used with the verbs suppose, assume, presume, conclude, infer, point out, etc. It should be pointed out, it can be inferred…These are the most essential features of scientific prose.

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