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Suicide and Its Demorgraphics


Submitted By cinnoman
Words 983
Pages 4
Research Paper on Suicide

People commit suicide everyday in the world. It is an ugly but truthful thing in the world as we know it today. Some people's situations put them in a more likely position to commit suicide. Many people commit suicide for many different reasons.

A big reason people commit suicide is because of family problems. A person's family has a huge impact on an individual's life. Children that experience family problems such as their parents getting divorced are more likely to commit suicide. Children that get abused or neglected are also a lot more likely to take their own life. Most children that are put into these situations feel that they have no where to go for help. Most try to communicate their feelings to others but they don't get the necessary help needed. These children probably feel very confused and very alone at such a young age that they resort to suicide. Carol Watkins a M.D. states that "Social isolation" is a major factor for suicide (2). Some people also commit suicide because they want to rebel against their family. They do this because they don't want to deal with the authority of their family. Some feel that they would rather die than deal with that authority.

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Problems with people's relationships can also be a reason that people commit suicide. Some people when they break up with someone who they love or loved for a very long time don't know how to deal with being by themselves. Some feel that they're going to be alone forever and some feel they can't possibly live without that person so they just end their life. In a case of breakup, people may feel that they may not be good enough for anyone else. Some feel that they have failed and can't

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