Premium Essay



Submitted By blah0064
Words 325
Pages 2
Genetic Disaster
Approximately 10 billion animals are raised and killed for there meat, eggs, and milk each year. With a steady increase in population that number needs to double to support the predicted 9 billion people by 2050 (United Nations Programmme). With most problems in this modern day of age we as humans turn to science for the solution. Genetic modification also called genetic engineering, is any process of human manipulation in an organism's genetic material in a way that does not occur under natural conditions. Genetic modification in animals negatively affects the public (consumers) by putting the animals' health at risk, introducing diseases, and allowing scientists to by pass what nature naturally intended.
The 1980's marked the scientific discovery that specific pieces of DNA could be transferred from one organism to another (Cramer 2001). Although genetic modification dates back to prehistoric times with “natural selection”, the cross-breeding of relative species and specific characteristics and traits being exchanged. This occurred over time as nature intended with the process of evolution letting animals adapt to their surroundings. The difference is we now posses the technology that allows us to make this “natural selection” process happen at an exponential rate. Such speeds of cross-breeding can bring out deformities in the animal for not sufficient time is allowed in the development process. Every organism carries genes inside itself, a gene is a basic unit of heredity of the biological make up in an organism. Each organism has a specific genetic code but can be altered by introducing foreign DNA to give characteristics that it naturally would not have. This new direction of supposed beneficial science is supported by the scientific community and contrasted to man's selective breeding concept. Though there is an exchange of traits

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