Premium Essay



Submitted By miraqureshi
Words 277
Pages 2
awfewfThe major effect of the Great Depression on America was expanded government intervention into new areas of social and economic affairs and the creation of more social assistance agencies at the national level. Through the new regulations, the creation of consumer confidence, and development of personal relationships, the social wellbeing of American citizens improved during the Great Depression. The relationship between the national government and the people changed drastically, especially with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.
The Great Depression led to formations of newly made regulations to uphold the businesses and the agricultural industry. The Black Tuesday picture shows that due to Black Tuesday, the stock exchange commission was formed which protected stocks (Doc K). Along with Black Tuesday, the Dust Bowl was also a motivation for new farming regulations as seen in the Dust Bowl picture and map (Doc P, Doc S). As part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program, Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) began to eliminate price depressing surpluses by paying growers to reduce their crop acreage. Though the smaller crop amounts did help lower the price of foods, paying farmers not to farm actually leaded to unemployment. The Civilian Conservation Corporation Propaganda advertised the work relief program for unemployed and unmarried men from the ages of 18-25 (Doc B). The CCC along with the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), helped those in need while the FERA was the first step in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal to pull out of depression. Programs such as the CCC and FERA kept the business regulations in place as instead of people having full-time jobs; double the people were offered part-time

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