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Teacher Survival Skills Video Summary


Submitted By jhewlett1
Words 454
Pages 2
Teacher Survival Skills Video Summary Anyone’s first year of teaching is going to be tough as they try to get into the rhythm of everyday life in the classroom. To help make things easier there are five survival skills that are sure to keep you on the right track. The first skill is to get organized. Not only do you need to be organized in the classroom, but in your personal life as well. Each morning make a list of everything that you want to accomplish for that day, and check them off as you finish each goal. Before you leave for the day make sure that everything is prepared for the next day. That way you can take the time in the morning to talk with your co-workers and students instead of having to rush in to get everything set up. Being well organized will help with time management, and keep you from getting very tired every day. The second skill for surviving your first year of teaching is to manage your classroom. You should have a few firm rules already set up for the first week of school. In that first week make sure the students know of the rules, and that you intend to stand firm with those rules. It is okay to remind the students every once in a while, but remember that you are the captain of your classroom. The third skill is to be consistent. You are going to have children in your classroom that are coming from very rough backgrounds and home life. You do not want your students to walk in everyday and wonder what mood you are in, or how they should react towards you. Your classroom needs to be a safe place for every single student in the class. Fourthly on our skills list is to get to know your students. The more you know each student, the more they are going to want to learn from you. Make connections with their interests during lessons to keep them engaged and wanting to learn more. It will take time, but learning each student will benefit you

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